Chapter 17

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Bethany's POV

As I walked into my room I saw that the window has been fixed and my room switched around.

"I figured you needed a change so you wouldn't have to think about what happened." He said then kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem." And he walked out.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I made myself a ham sandwich, got some spicy chips and a sunny d. I walked back up to my room and saw my window open.
I stopped at my tracks, stood there frozen.

"Oh my god.." but then I remembered that it couldn't be Grace, she was arrested and sent to a juvenile center not far from here.

I set my food down on my nightstand and went to close it. After I closed it I stood there for a while looking at the street, then the sky. I was admiring how dark it was yet so bright because of the moon. I snapped out of my daze and closed the window. I grabbed my sandwich and my laptop and jumped into bed.

"Is it safe to come out?"


"Shh, Shut up! Are you trying to get me caught?!"

"Grayson?!" I said in a harsh whisper.

"Yes, yes its me, help me out I think I'm stuck."

"Ugh, what even are you doing here?!"

"I came to see you obviously..."

"Well here I am, and theres my window. Please exit."

"Dont be like that... We both know you missed me."

"Thats all your worried about right now?! Really?! Get the hell out."

"Bethany, I didn't mean it like that I-"

"I dont want to hear it. Get out or I'm calling the police!"

"Are you serious?! I came because I ca-"

"Just leave...'


He crawled out my window and left.
I put on the movie Clueless. I loved that movie so much. Then I got a text from Ethan.

Ethan- Hey you (:
Me- Hey. (:
Ethan- What are you doing?
Me- Watching Clueless.
Ethan- Got room for one more? I'll get pizza? (:
Me- What kind?
Ethan- Whatever you want.
Me- Pepperoni, come on over. (:

About half an hour later passed and then the doorbell rang.

"Sweetie! Ethan is here! And he brought pizza!" I heard my mom yell.

I ran down the hall and hugged him so tight when I saw him.

"Missed you too." he said.

"Cmon, I set up the game room and paused the movie long enough.

I grabbed a soda and cups.

We talked about what happened mostly instead of watching the movie.

"Why didn't you come see me?"

"I couldn't see you in pain."

"I love you a lot Ethan. You know that right?"

"Of course who doesn't love me?"

"Oh wow okay!" we both laughed so hard after that.

"Are you spending the night?"


"Grayson's no fun to be around right now."

I gulped down my drink pretty hard.

"Um, why?"

"I don't know he left because he said he needed to do something and came back all pissy."

I stayed quiet for a little.


"Yeah. But lets not talk about him. When are you coming back to school?"

"Day after tomorrow."


"Get the homework for me from all our classes?" He looked at me with a face that said 'Um no'. "Please Ethan?"


"Love you."


The next day Ethan left pretty early. I was home alone and bored as hell.
I was watching tv and about to fall asleep when I heard the doorbell ring.

"uuugh, who is it right now..." I said in annoyance. I looked through the peephole and saw Grayson. I slowly opened the door. "What do you want."

"Just checking up on you..."

"I'm fine."

"I see."


"I uh I finished the project..."



"After I turned it in, I left to come here."

"You ditched? To come tell me this when you could've texted me?"

"I knew you wouldn't reply, plus I wanted to hear your voice."

"Well you heard, now leave."

"Please Bethany not again."

"Grayson what is your problem?"

"I like you okay!? I really do care about you. A lot."


"No Bethany, you stop, Stop building your walls higher and higher because you're waiting for something that isn't going to happen. He's not coming back. Im here! I care!"

"You don't know anything!"

"You're right, I don't. But what I do know is that my feelings are real. And they aren't going to go away that easily."

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