Chapter 32

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Bethany's POV

Today was just wow. Strange. I couldn't really process what had happened.
Or what may happen.
My supposed friends hating me for liking Matt or Grayson.
I like Matt... and Grayson...
I can't tell anybody or the friends I have left wont be my friends anymore. But it doesn't matter anyways because neither of them feel the way I do. They probably think I'm easy meat or something. I huffed and dropped my stuff by my door then walked back to the kitchen to look for something to munch on.
I grabbed a soup from my pantry and put water in it then popped it in the microwave.
Meanwhile I ran to my room to change into pajamas as quickly as I can to try and beat the timer of the microwave. Don't we all do that?
I made 10 seconds before the time ended. I put on some music from the stereo we had connected to the television. I love that our house had a surround system installed in the living room to the kitchen. I don't know why but music just always made me forget about all the troubles in life. Sometimes it would remind me of stuff, but music over all is my escape.

I grabbed my soup from the microwave and quickly set it down on the table. Just as I was about to eat my soup I heard banging on the door.
"What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath.
I rushed to the door and looked through the peep hole on my door and saw Matthew.
Holy shit. I said to myself. I forgot to wait for him by the office.
I face palmed myself.
I calmed down, and slowly opened the door.


"You forgot to wait for me."

"Um, wow okay, so you needed to bang on my door like that? You scared me half to death."

"I rang the door bell. But then I heard music." He said in an obvious tone.

"Im so sorry." I said. "I completely forgot." I admitted.

"You forgot? Or maybe you want to get with Grayson too?" He said coming through the door slightly.
I was starting to get scared. Why did girls like him?

"You saw that?"

"Yeah." he said. He sounded kind of hurt too.

"I swear I forgot." I paused. "Do you want to come in? Maybe we can watch a movie."

"Um, sure."

I let him in all the way and closed the door behind him.

"You got a nice place." he said looking around.

"Thanks. So what movie do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you want."

"The Breakfast Club it is then."

"Aw nice I love that movie!"

"Really? Me too! Do you want anything to eat?"

"Sure what you got?" He said sitting down.

"Ill look, hey I know you just sat down but do you mind putting in the movie?"

"Sure no problem."
I was looking through my pantry and only found chips. I took them out and tossed them to the counter. I looked in the fridge, nothing. I looked in the freezer and noth- oh wait theres a frozen pizza. God bless.

"Do you want pizza?"

"Is that even a question?!" I soon heard him pop in the kitchen. "Need any help?" he said blocking the door way out of the kitchen.

"Um sure if you wanna help. Put the oven on pre-heat."

He did so while I took the pizza out of its packaging.
I soon saw hands on the counter... one on each side of me. I turned around and found myself trapped in his embrace.

"Um excuse me." I said trying to get out.

"Where are you going?"

"To put the pizza in the oven."
He turned around and put the pizza in. Then he quickly turned around and we were back in the same position.

"I like this."

"Making me feel trapped?" I said somewhat scared.

"Do I make you feel trapped?"

"Right now you are." He leaned his head into the crook of my neck and left a wet kiss. I then felt air blow onto it.

"How about now."

"I- Uh... I should check on the pizza."

I ducked under his arms and quickly checked the pizza.

"It says here the pizza should be ready in 35 minutes." He said holding the box.

"Well just makin sure." I said awkwardly.

"Stop that." he said.

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting or feeling awkward. I don't want you to feel like that."

"Well, you do..."

Hopelessly Falling (Grayson Dolan) 1Where stories live. Discover now