Four | Reindeer

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You'd think some people need to be trained on how to talk to a person. His moody attitude should have been a turn-off from the beginning, but here I was- trying to be nice and help the guy out, but all it left me feeling were fumes.

Raging fumes.

I look back at him before glancing at my Dad. Debating on what I should say next. He waves at my parents after setting down his shovel. It wasn't long until he walked around the truck and towards his house. "You better go. Your parents are waiting."


My body jerks back slightly before I drop the shovel by his feet and turn around, walking back to my parents across the driveway. I don't know what came over me, but I'm a little irritated. He didn't even say thank you for the help.

Just shoo's me away like I'm some lost puppy.

Dad can see how annoyed I am by the look on my face, or it could be the way he tilts his head and doesn't question what just happened. Once I step inside the Yukon, sitting behind him in the back seat, I abruptly open my mouth. "Your boss is a jerk."

He eyes me from the rearview before pulling out of the driveway. "Why do you say that?"

"Well," I start, leaning my head against the cold leather seat. "I went over to help him-

"He doesn't do well with help."


I don't even know how to respond to that. If someone offers you help, you take it. If someone offers you the last slice of pizza, you take it... maybe that last part is just for me. Still, you accept a nice offer when handed to you.

"His name is Rhett," Mom chimes in. She's smiling at me from the passenger seat, which makes me arch a brow. "He bought the Porter's home about two years ago. We've had him over for dinner before. Maybe we should invite him tonight."


Dad clears his throat. "He's coming over tomorrow night, remember honey? I just texted him."

She nods. "Oh, that's right. Great!" Her voice is chipper than before.

What is there to be excited about?

"He's coming over... to eat dinner with us.... tomorrow?" I nearly gasped. When Dad confirms his invitation to this dinner party, I roll my eyes. Something about this guy burns my biscuits. And I hate burnt biscuits.

Who eats them like charcoal anyway?

I cross my arms like a defiant child. "Fine." I'll deal with him for one more day, but it'll be the last time I interact with him. Even if he is... cute. But, I won't dare let him know that.

We spent the day at the mall together. I find my favorite Christmas store, Glitter & Gifts, and buy two new ornaments. There's even a tiny cross-body purse shaped like a Reindeer. You best believe I put that in my shopping bag.

Mom found a new plush throw blanket for their couch and a cotton rug for the kitchen by the stove. Dad browsed their candles as he waited for us to check out. One thing about him is that he loves his house to smell good.

He mentioned already buying some a couple of months back, saying he was getting everything ready before the holidays came. Knowing him, the closet in the hallway is probably stacked with not only candles, but room sprays, wax melts, and even air fresheners.

I swear he has a problem. Mom picks on him all the time for it. Even the small basket under the kitchen sink is filled with foaming hand soaps. Maybe I could use one of those on Rhett. Okay, enough about that moody grouch.

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