Eighteen | Peppermint

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I've been giving her space since I left that hospital yesterday, but I'm dying to see her again. To just be around her. I never thought I would ever say those words or form a vocabulary with her name in it. She's taking over my brain and I'm growing more irritable at the minute.

"What's up with you?" Camden, my engineer, is standing near the door to my office. He's got a scowl on his face.

When I contemplate sending Holly a quick text, I groan, tossing my phone along my desk. I can't think right now, especially with my co-worker looking at me like that. "Long night."

"Yeah, I heard." He strolls inside before taking a seat in the chair across from me. "How's Renee?"

I know Richard filled almost everyone in on the situation with his wife, but it still feels weird when someone else mentions Holly's Mother.

You aren't part of the family, so why do you care?

"When I left the hospital she was stable, but she might have a long road to recovery."

"You were at the hospital?"

"Yeah?" I let out awkwardly.

He nods as if he remembered something. "That's right. This game with you and Richard's daughter."

Game. "I wouldn't call it a game. It's more than that."

The night we had at the resort would be a great example, but that memory is for me. No way would I tell someone, especially Camden, how perfect she really was. How I can't get the taste of her out of my mind or the first kiss we shared outside before the storm came.

"You really like the girl, don't you?" He chimes in as I think back to that night. I clear my throat, looking at the monitor on my desk for a distraction.

"Yes, I think I do."

I don't think. I fucking know I do.

Camden and I quickly change the subject and he enlightens me on the job he has scheduled for tomorrow morning. The project we've been working on should be finished within the end of the week, but with the holidays it could drag and push it back some. When he slips out of the room, I grab my phone and find Holly's name.

Me: Hey.

That's all you got is a simple hey?

I see several dots appear quicker than I thought, helping the overwhelming feeling of worry start to go away.

Junkie: Hi!

Me: How's your Mom?

Junkie: She's really good. Dad's signing her release papers right now so we can head home.

Me: Holly, that's great!

There's so much more I want to say. I can't let our conversation end short. It's not until I realize that my thumbs have a mind of their own, finishing the sentences for me.

Me: Sammy won't stop watching Elf.

I am such a loser.

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