Eight | Sweater

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The second we stepped inside his house a white and tan English Bulldog peed on my tan boots. I couldn't help but giggle at his little legs when he jumped on me, running his paws at my thighs. Rhett apologized before closing the front door but all I could do was shake my head.

"Oh my goodness he's so cute," I let out. "What's his name?"


His short little tail wags as I scratch the back of his neck. I've never had a pet before. My Dad is allergic to literally all animals, so I was never able to have one growing up. We did have a few stray cats that would wander around our neighborhood, though. But, instead, I'm soaking up all the years I missed out on by letting Sammy lick on my nose.

Rhett kneels beside me to clean up his mess. "Looks like he ruined your shoes."

I glance down. "Don't worry about it. He's so cute. I'm not even mad."

A deep chuckle escapes his mouth before walking towards his kitchen and grabbing a snack off the counter for Sammy. "Here you go, buddy."

A smile tugs at my lips as I admire him with his dog. Sammy barks happily before taking the bone-shaped treat from Rhett's palm. They say a dog is a man's best friend. I can definitely see that with the two of them.

I stand up straight to admire my surroundings. His home is modern, yet classy. All the walls are covered in white. The kitchen counters and cabinets are black with a marble backsplash. I wouldn't have pictured this as his style. Maybe I was expecting a giant sign that says I Hate Everything to appear on the wall above his white sofas.

"Your home is very nice, Rhett."

After giving Sammy another treat he thanks me. "I've remodeled since the Porter's moved out. It was much needed."

I meet him at the bar and take a seat. "So, Sammy is your good memory?"

He glances at me and smiles while taking off his beanie. His light brown hair is now ruffled with a curl to it. It's hard to look the other way when it's messy like that.... It's messy in a good way. Like I want to reach out and run my fingers through it to brush it down. What are you even talking about? I promptly shake the thought away and continue listening to Rhett speak.

"My Grandma had gotten him for me when I was still in high school. I told her I didn't want anything for Christmas except a dog. I begged and I begged and finally, she caved," he smiles down at him, rubbing the top of his head. "I even cried for three days."

I bite back my smile. "I didn't know you had a heart."

Rhett lightly huffs before rolling his eyes. "I'm not a total jerk, Holly. You just caught me off guard that day as I was shoveling the snow," with a pause, he looks at me and I mean really looks at me. His green eyes glance between both of mine, moving down my nose and then my mouth. When he licks his lips, I nearly squeeze my thighs together. "If I came off rude I'm sorry."

W-what? Wow. He's actually apologizing and I'm completely stunned. With a clear of my throat and the adjustment my legs make on the bar stool, I respond. "Well, apology accepted. Maybe now if someone tries to help you out of kindness you will put on your big boy panties and deal with it."

He then leans across the counter from me, keeping his elbows propped against the countertop. Just the slow movement alone had me holding my breath. He's now inches away from me, just like before in his truck when I wrapped the scarf around his neck, and I smell a hint of his cologne.

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