Seven | Merry

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She thought I was going to give in that easily. Surely she knows me better than that by now. I've known her for what...? Three days? I think my answer is pretty obvious, yet, her little red and green soul just won't give up. But, what I will say is the dancing in front of me almost had me convinced. It was rather enjoyable, but I won't mention that.

"What do you mean no?" Holly lets out baffled, almost like she's shocked with wide eyes.

"Exactly what I said."

"Why?" She questions softly as if her soul has been crushed.

Before I reach the end of my driveway, I stop in front of her, our bodies almost colliding when I speak. "Holly, you came here to spend time with your parents. Not me."

She swallows hard at my words. Like a knife in the chest, plunging deep into her wounds. I can see the guilt stretch across her face. Her really, really gorgeous face. The look doesn't last long when she stands her ground, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Why do you hate Christmas so much?"

For fuck's sake.

"Jesus, Holly." I scratch the back of my neck in frustration before adjusting the beanie by my ears. "What's it gonna take for you to drop this?"

"Three weeks."

Damn, she's persistent. "What?"

"Let me bring some joy into your life," She beams with a smile. "You could use some."

Now I'm laughing.

It's an awkward, annoying sound, but I can't believe the things that come out of this girl's mouth. "So, three weeks of Christmas activities?"

A bigger smile stretches across her face. "It's going to be so much fun," Her bottom lip is pulled between her teeth, and the sight only inches away is risky. "Let's start in a couple of days."

My hazel eyes nearly roll into the back of my head. "If you think I'm spending the day with you drinking hot cocoa and watching Hallmark movies then you are out of your mind."

She giggles. "Actually, I was thinking about going downtown to sing some Christmas carols."

Hell no.

She's lost her damn mind.

I groan in pure disgust. Not only do I personally hate Christmas, but I hate hearing people sing songs about Christmas. Why would I put myself through that unwanted torture? Nope. Not for me. "Not happening."

She sighs in defeat, putting her pointer finger against her chin while contemplating her plan. "Okay, how about we just go and listen?"

Abort— Abort mission.

"That's more worse."

Holly scoffs. "Is not."

"I'd rather cut my ears off."

Holly rolls her eyes at me and the look is suddenly too much. Holy shit. I need to hurry up and get the fuck inside. If I had my way with her I could easily do it again... "Way to be dramatic."

I shake away the unwanted thoughts and go to open my mouth but Holly cuts me off. "It would appear to me that I have a lot of planning to do," She takes several steps back, leaving me to stand alone in my driveway. "See you in a few days."

And when she turns around for me to stare at her ass that is covered in tiny snowflakes, a small grin pulls against the corner of my mouth.

Maybe I'll enjoy this after all.

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