So later on that hot July Saturday evening I was preparing myself for my first ever KISS concert. Oh yeah. I was pumped but yet nervous at the same time. This is my first concert. Shit I hope I don't puke! I had already out on my makeup and did my hair and got dressed. It was only 4:30 and my buddy Jon was picking me up at 6:30 to go to the concert. I sighed and leaned back on my couch. I felt chills and goosebumps again. "I know it's you, Eric." I said out loud, eyes closed. I slowly started to open my eyes and at first I saw a flash of light but then I opened my eyes even more and I suddenly gasped and my jaw dropped. Was I really looking at Eric Carr's ghost? Holy shit. I shook my head quite a few times as I thought I was dreaming but, apparently not. "Eric?" I said quietly. "Is that really you?" Eric smiled and kissed my cheek. "Indeed it is." He replied. Oh my. I was just shocked at this point. I mean let's get real I love the fact that I'm able to see him but it's just a lot to take in you know? "Um so....uhhh....." I started to say, but at this point I had no idea what to say. "I've been watching over you for a long time now, Brooke." Eric said quietly. "I know your struggles. I know everything. In fact I feel like I've known you my whole-well, Afterlife." I chuckled a little bit but I knew what he meant. "That's sweet of you." I replied. Eric smiled and kissed my lips. My God I can feel that. "I hear you're going to the KISS concert tonight." Eric said with a cute little grin. I smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. I'm pumped." I chuckled. Eric smiled and said, "Oh I bet."
"Brooke?" Eric said, looking at the floor. "Yes Eric?" "Oh shoot how do I say this?" Eric ran his hand through his fluffy curly long hair. "Well, I know that I'm dead and everything but I....shit.... Dammit I love you." I stared at him for a while, trying to process what he said. I mean I love him too but...... Ah jeez I don't know. "Oh. You do?" I asked my head tilted. Eric sighed and nodded. "Yes I do." He took my hand in his and smiled ever so warmly. I blushed as my eyes watered. "Hey now no tears sweet pea." Eric said softly as he dried my eyes. He lifted my chin up so I could see his face. There's that smile. Oh fuck. So cute. "I love you too but..... Is it possible?" I asked sadly. Eric smirked and kissed my eyes. "You know what they say.... ANYTHING is possible." Eric said proudly. I nodded. Well yeah that's true. "So what do you say, miss Brooke? Will you be my girl?" I chuckled and replied, "You bet your ass I will!" Eric laughed and pulled me in for a hug. "Awesome. Ok babe now let's get you ready for the concert."
******Skipping to the KISS concert*****
My buddy Jon and I were able to sit in the very front row and we had VIP passes which blew my fucking mind. "Well, this VIP has to VI-pee pee." Jon announced. I facepalmed and shook my head laughing. Like really did I need to know that. God. "Um ok you do that!" I said in between laughs. Jon left to go to the bathroom while Eric and I just stayed in our spots. I didn't tell Jon about me seeing Eric's ghost because I don't think he'd believe me. Eric tried not to chuckle. He knew how funny my friend was. "Is he alright?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Oh sure." I said sarcastically. Eric laughed and held me in his arms. The concert was just about to begin. KISS had played songs like 'Detroit Rock City,' 'God Gave Rock and Roll to you' 'Rock and Roll all Night' and 'I love it loud'. Wow. What a freaking performance. Eric was impressed too.
Gene Simmons had spotted me and Eric in the front row. Wait a minute what the fu-- he can see Eric too? Jesus. He hopped off of the stage and told us to meet him and the rest of the members backstage in fifteen minutes. We agreed to do so and Eric's jaw dropped. "GENE CAN SEE ME TOO!" He cried out. "I know." I said awkwardly. Then out if the corner of my eye I saw a woman approach us. She had looked about 50 years old had light reddish hair. She looked familiar. But Eric looked like he recognized her. "Oh shit." He whispered to me. "That's my ex girlfriend Carrie Stevens." Um WHAT???? Ohhh so that's why she looked familiar. Ok. I just glared at her and she came to us with a warm smile. "Enjoying the concert?" Carrie asked in a friendly tone. I nodded awkwardly. "Yes I am. And how about yourself?" Carrie shrugged. "Oh sure. It's not bad." She said. Then she looked at Eric. Wait now SHE can see him? Oh boy.... "Eric! What are you doing here? And HOW are you here?" She asked hysterically. Oh dear Jesus. I'm starting to get slightly jealous. "Well, I.... I came with this pretty girl right here." He said referring to me. Carrie nodded with a fake smile on her face. "Oh ok." She said awkwardly. "My name's Brooke." I said as politely as I could. I was already starting to not like her. "Hi there. I'm Carrie Stevens. Eric's ex girlfriend." She said bluntly. "Yeah I figured." I said, trying to keep things light.
"So, Eric is she your new girlfriend?" Carrie asked with a smirk. Oh my fucking jeez. Eric sighed and said, "Yes she is." Carrie bit her lip and cleared her throat. "Well, I still have feelings for you. Dead or not." She said matter-of-factly. My eyes grew big. Um wait huh? Excuse me? Eric shook his head. "Look, I'm sorry, but I've moved on and so should you." Eric said calmly. Carrie rolled her eyes. "With...her?" She snapped. I crossed my arms over my chest. What the fuck is wrong with her dude? I cracked my knuckles and Eric sensed I was uncomfortable. "Yes and she's a good girl and she's drop dead gorgeous and she's very special to me." Eric said proudly as he took me in his arms. I beamed at those words. Carrie just smirked and kissed Eric's cheek. OH HELL NO!!!! I then started getting really angry. "You just pissed me off." I said through clenched teeth. I punched her in the face, leaving her a black eye and a bloody nose pulling her hair and clawing the shit out of her. "Brooke stop please." Eric said as he tried to pull me off of her. Paul Stanley had seen what happened from afar and ran towards us and pulled me off of Carrie as she stood up with a shocked look on her face. "Carrie......!" Paul snapped. "I don't want to see you again." Eric added. Furious, Carrie turned around to leave. "Fine. You two deserve each other." She hissed and then she was out the door. Wow. What a fucking night.