chapter seven

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The next morning Eric and I woke up in each other's arms and I could feel his hand slide under my shirt and feeling my breasts. "Oh hello there." I said softly. Eric winked at me and said "Hello to you too, beautiful." He pulled me close to his body and I could feel him...... I could feel him getting hard. Oh my.... I looked down then quickly looked back up. "Oh my." I said as my face turned beet red. "Oh.... That." Eric chuckled, as he knew what I was looking at. He then started to gently kiss my neck and remove my shirt and everything else and I unzipped his jeans and then there we go making love again. We were moaning so loud we didn't even hear Gene's voice outside the bedroom door. "Brooke Eric are you-whoa oh SHIT!" Gene started to say as he walked in on us making love. Eric and I gasped and looked over at Gene. "DUDE!" Eric yelled as I covered my body with the blanket. "AH SON OF A BITCH MY EYES!" Gene yelled as he covered his eyes and left the room. "What the fuck?" I said loudly as I got dressed. "Doesn't anybody knock anymore?" Eric said sounding annoyed.

Eric's POV

So basically Gene had walked in on Brooke and I making love. Even though I was slightly annoyed I genuinely thought it was kind of funny. Hehe. Brooke and I got dressed and opened the bedroom door and walked out to the living room. "Good morning love birds." Paul teased. "Good morning." Gene said awkwardly not even looking up at us. Haha oh boy. I don't think he could get the image of Brooke and I having sex out of his head. "Good morning." Brooke and I said together. "So, Gene." I said, trying not to laugh. "What was so important that you had to walk in on us making love?" Gene scratched his head awkwardly and replied, "Well I tried telling from behind the door but jeez you guys were so loud in there I figured you would have heard me better if I stepped inside the doorway and..... Then I practically saw your ass, Eric." Brooke burst out with laughter as so did Paul. I turned red a little bit and said, "I see." Gene cleared his throat. "Anyway, we're going to be leaving now. It was great seeing you again Eric." He said as he have me a quick hug. "And you too Brooke ." Gene hugged Brooke and she said "Great seeing you too Gene. And you too Paul." Brooke said to Paul after. We all group hugged and Gene and Paul left. It was awesome having them sleep over. It made me feel like a kid again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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