Chapter 1

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2 years later

Pocahontas and John Smith were out in the village playing with their son Little John. Little John was waddling around trying to catch a bunny. Pocahontas smiled at her little boy. He was growing up in so fast. The bunny started to run away. Pocahontas put her hand out to the bunny and called him over. The bunny sniffed the ground and then sniffed her hand. The bunny came hopping over to her. She picked up the little rabbit and starts to pet it gently. Little John comes over and starts to pet the bunny roughly. "No Little John, gentle touches, like this." She says as she demonstrates. Little John starts to follow his mother's instructions. John smiled at his little family. He has enjoyed being a father, teaching his son how to walk and talk. It reminded him of his little sister when she was born. He loved having her around. John used to carry her around the house. They used to play war together. John missed having his sister around. John starts to shed a tear. Pocahontas was smiling at her son. Then she looked over to John and noticed he was crying. Pocahontas gives the bunny to her son who was sitting on the ground with her and walks over and sits by John. She puts her hand under his chin and turned his head towards her. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. John looks at her and wipes his tear away. "Oh, I just miss my sister that's all." John says with a sniffle. "Oh. What brought this on?" Pocahontas asked. "Well little John was playing and he reminded me of me and my sister when we were young." John responded. "I'm so sorry about your sister. I miss my mother a lot too." She said as he leaned in for a hug. "Hey Honey?" John asked. "Yes, sweetheart?" Pocahontas replied. "Have you thought of having another baby?" He asked. "Already? But Little John is still so little." Pocahontas said. "Yeah but...... I really miss my sister, and I think if we have a little baby girl it will be like having her around again." He said gently. Pocahontas smiled. "I know you miss your sister but I don't know if I'm ready for a second one yet. I barely have time to relax with Little John around." She explained as she lies her head on his big strong shoulder. He sighs. "I understand. And it's not that I don't love Little John. I do. I really do I just want a little girl to play with and I shall protect her from all harm." He says. "I understand, but you do know that if we have another one it could turn out to be another boy." She said as she looked into his dreamy blue eyes. "Oh Yeah, I guess it could." He said with a chuckle. Pocahontas smiled again. They both looked back at Little John who was sleeping on the grass with the bunny sleeping on his stomach. Pocahontas looks at her son. She starts to think about having another baby. "Hmmm.... Well it would be nice for L.J. to have someone to play with." She says as she taps her chin with her finger. John's face lights up. "Really? Are you serious?!" John asks a little loudly. "Shhhh.. we don't want to wake him up." She says gesturing to Little John. John blushes. "Oh sorry." He says as he looks at his son and then looks back at his wife. "It's ok." She says as she holds his hand. "So we can have another baby?!" He asked excitedly. John had the biggest smile on his face. "Now hold your horses. I didn't say I was ok with it yet. I have to talk to my friends and family first, to help me make a decision, but I am considering it." She says with a small smile. John smiles even bigger. "Oh yes! Thank you! I love you!" John says as he picks her up and twirls her in the air before carefully setting her back on the ground. Pocahontas giggles. "Oh John I love you too." She says as they pull into a romantic kiss. They pull out and Pocahontas takes one last glance at their son before she goes to talk to Grandmother willow. She smiles and then looks at John. "Do you mind if I sneak off for a while so I can go talk to my family?.... I mean the rest of my Family." Pocahontas asked. "Of course. L.J. and I will be just fine." John says as he gives he one more kiss. "Thank you. I'll see you at dinner." She says as she runs off. John smiles and goes back to watching his son sleep.

Pocahontas and John Smith 2 : Another babyWhere stories live. Discover now