chapter 9

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Meanwhile in England

King James was furious. He couldn't figure out why all of his people weren't coming back from Virginia. "Collins!" He yelled. Collins was the king's right hand man. If there was something that needed to be done, Collins is the one to do it. Collins comes up to him and bows. "Yes your majesty?" He responded. "Collins I still can't figure out how all of our people are leaving England but not coming back." King James explains. "I'm sorry sir but we don't either." Collins explains. "Well that only means one thing. We are just going to have to go down there and figure out what's happening to my men!" King James exclaimed. "But sir! If you leave who will rule the country while you are gone?" Collins asked. "Well my wife and the royal vizier will take care of that. Now get me a ship ready immediately." King James commanded. "Yes sir." Collins says as he gets up and goes to the docks to get a ship ready.

Meanwhile back in Jamestown

Nakoma was hanging out with Reyansh. They were taking a stroll down by the river. Nakoma then stops. Reyansh noticed this. "Nakoma? Is there something wrong?" He asked as he takes her hand in concern. "Oh no nothing's wrong. I just need to tell you something." Nakoma replied. "Alright then. My ears are ready to listen." He says. Nakoma bit her lip. She has been trying to do this all week and today is the day she is going to do it! She has decided to profess her love for him. "Reyansh I know we haven't been going out for very long, but I can't keep this feeling in anymore." Nakoma stated. "Well of course darling. You should never be afraid to express your feelings around me. You should let them out." Reyansh says confidently. "Ok.... Reyansh, I love you!" Nakoma says nervously. Reyansh was shocked. He felt the same way but didn't want to scare her off by going too fast. Nakoma saw the look on his face. "I'm sorry... I should have waited to say that." Nakoma says as she starts to walk off. Reyansh grabbed her arm. Nakoma looked back at him surprised. "No Nakoma. I'm glad you told me." He says. Nakoma was a little puzzled. "You are?" She asked. "Of course! Nakoma I was keeping it secret because I didn't want to scare you away but I love you too Nakoma." He said as he pulled her closer to him. Nakoma's face lights up. "Really? Do you really mean that?!" She asks. Reyansh smiled. "Yes darling. I mean that one hundred percent! I love you!" Reyansh says with a smile. Nakoma was so excited. She then smashed her lips against his. He was a little surprised but relaxed and melted into that passionate kiss. "Oh Reyansh! I have been trying to get myself to tell you all week. I'm so glad I told you. I feel so much better." Nakoma says as she embraces him. "I'm glad you told me too. I was going to wait until next month to tell you, but I'm glad we got it all out in the open." Reyansh replied. "I can't believe this!" Nakoma says as tears start to run down her face. "Wait what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing! I just have been dreaming about my happily ever after since I was a little girl and it is finally happening. I hope I'm not too old to have children." Nakoma says. "Of course not. Erase that silly nonsense from your head. You and I will have children some day, but let's just focus on us right now. It's you and me living happily ever after." Reyansh says. Nakoma continues to cry from what he said. It was so beautiful. Nakoma has never met a guy who talked so beautifully. Nakoma nods. "Now let's wipe those tears." Reyansh says as he wipes her tears away. Nakoma smiles. "Thank you Reyansh. I'm just so happy." She says as tears of joy continue to run down her face. "I am too sweetheart." He says as he caressed her face. Nakoma smiles. "This is everything I've ever wanted." Nakoma says as she embraces him. Reyansh hugs her back and kisses her head. "Well baby. I have to go. I promised the chief I would help prepare dinner tonight." He says as he released from the hug. "Aweeeee ok baby." Nakoma says as she wipes her tears. Reyansh then pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. "I'll see you at dinner." He says as he waves. Then he goes off to help with the dinner. Nakoma smiles. She then goes to visit her best friend. She runs across the land to go to her home. Nakoma knocked on the door. "Come in." Pocahontas says. Pocahontas was sick in bed today. She had morning sickness all morning and wasn't feeling the greatest today. Nakoma enters. "Oh Pocahontas are you ok?" Nakoma says as she walks over to her side. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just not having a great pregnancy day." Pocahontas says as she pats the bed. "Come I'm bored. I want someone to talk to." Pocahontas says as she sits up a little. "Great! Because I have a lot to talk about." Nakoma says as she sits on the bed. "Oooh is this about Reyansh by any chance?" Pocahontas asked. "Yes!" Nakoma says excitedly. "Oooh girl! Spill it." Pocahontas says. "Ok well, I was out with him earlier today and I finally had the courage to tell him I love him." Nakoma says. "Really?! How did he take it?" Pocahontas asked. "Well he was very shocked. I thought that I blew it and we were over, but as I was walking away, he pulled me back. He told me he was shocked because he loved me too and wasn't going to tell me until next month." Nakoma explains. "Oh my goodness! This is so exciting! My best friend is in love." Pocahontas exclaimed. "I know! It's everything I dreamed it would be." Nakoma says with a sigh. "So how's your pregnancy going?" Nakoma asked. "Oh it's going pretty well, except I can't get out of bed today but I'm glad you are here to talk to me." Pocahontas replied. "Of course! Besides we haven't hung out in a while." Nakoma says as she hugs her best friend. "Ok so are you ready for the new baby?" Nakoma says. "No not yet. I still have to get a couple of things done before the baby comes." Pocahontas says as she lightly pats her stomach. "Oh yeah like finding a room for the new baby?" Nakoma asked. Pocahontas' eyes widen. "Oh my goodness! I didn't even think of that! Let's go downstairs for a moment." Pocahontas says as she gets out of bed. Nakoma nods as they go down stairs to little John's room. Pocahontas looks for a hint that there might be another room. "Pocahontas what are you doing?" Nakoma asked. "I'm looking for a hidden room or something." Pocahontas replied. Nakoma giggles. After a couple of minutes Pocahontas says down. "I can't believe this! I'm going to have to move out of my ship! Oh Nakoma! This is awful. I can't go back to living on the land, it still gives me the creeps from John Rolfe. I don't know where I'm going to live!" Pocahontas rambled. "Pocahontas!" Nakoma yells. Pocahontas looks at her. "Pocahontas, don't freak out. For one it's bad for the baby and two, you have the best husband in the world who will do anything for you. Talk to him. You'll figure something out." Nakoma said. "Oh of course. Thanks Nakoma..I think these hormones are messing with my brain." Pocahontas says with a giggle. Nakoma laughed too. Soon it was time for dinner. "I've got to go Pocahontas. It's dinner time and Reyansh helped make the food, but I'll come back and visit you soon ok?" Nakoma asked. Pocahontas nods. "See you later." Nakoma says as she starts to leave. Pocahontas waves. A few minutes later. John came in with their son and with food. "Hey babe! How are you feeling?" John asked as he put a tray of food on her lap. "Oh I'm feeling better." She says with a fake smile. She couldn't talk about the crisis she thought she was having in front of Little John. He would be really confused and not only that but, she didn't want to be upset in front of him either. John noticed this. He didn't want his son to see his mother upset. "Ok well let's eat." John says as they start to eat. After dinner it was bed time for their son. "Ok L.J it's bed time." John says as he picked up his son. Little John yawns. "Come here sweetie. Give mommy a kiss." Pocahontas says. John lifts his son so he can reach his mother. "I love you L.J." Pocahontas says as she kisses his head. "I love you too mommy." Little John says. John then takes him and goes downstairs to put his son to bed. John comes back up and sits next to Pocahontas. "Now what is wrong sweetheart?" John asked as he takes her hand. "John. We don't have room for another baby. And I don't want to sleep on the land again. It still gives me the creeps from what happened with John Rolfe....." Pocahontas rambled. John cuts her off. "Woah woah woah. Slow down." John says. Pocahontas nods. "John we don't have room for another baby. We only have the extra room for little John." Pocahontas. "Don't worry baby. I can build us a different ship. I will get some of the guys to help, but I promise that everything will be fine." John says as he kisses her hand. "You can build us an entire ship?" Pocahontas asked. "Well sure. I built Little John's crib didn't I?" John asks. "Well yeah but a ship is a little bigger than a crib. That's a lot to build and are you sure you can build it in 8 months?" Pocahontas asked. "Well yeah. Like I said I will get some of the guys to help. They aren't really doing anything right now. Pocahontas I promise we will work this out ok? I promise you will never have to sleep on land again." John says as he takes ahold of her shoulders. "Alright but what if you don't get it finished before the baby comes?" Pocahontas asked. "Well then we will just have to share a room with the baby. Which we will for the first couple of weeks anyway. But it will just be until we get the ship completely built. Pocahontas smiles. John then kisses her. "Thank you John. I'm sorry if I'm a little to worried right now. I think it's the hormones, but I do feel a lot better now." Pocahontas says as she kisses him again. John smiles. "It's not your fault baby. It's this little one's fault." He says as he pokes her stomach and laughed. Pocahontas laughs too. "Ok now get up here and cuddle with me. I haven't had anyone to cuddle with all day." Pocahontas says with a smirk on her face. "Yes ma'am. Let me change my clothes." He says as he starts to change into his night shorts. Then he gets into the bed with her and pulls her as close as possible. He kisses her passionately. "I love you Pocahontas." He says as he holds her tightly. "I love you too." She says with a yawn. So he kisses her goodnight and they both fall asleep.

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