Chapter 7

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Pocahontas was secretly watching as Nakoma was kissing Reyansh. She was so excited. Her best friend was falling in love. John then pulls her away. "Hey! What are you doing?" Pocahontas asks as she still tries to keep watching. John turns her head back and continues to pull her away. "Come on you know that if that was you and me you wouldn't like having someone watching."John says as he caressed her face. Pocahontas blushed and realized he was right. "Oh I guess your right. Now where is our son?" Pocahontas asked. "Oh he fell asleep on that long over there." John says as he points to his son. "Awwwwweeee he's so cute. Come on baby, let's go home." Pocahontas says as she picked him up and carried him back towards the boat. John walks with her. "Ooh you are getting heavy baby." She says as she continues to carry him. "Would you like me to carry him?" John asked. "No that's alright, we are almost there." Pocahontas says as she can see the ship in front of her. " Alright but if you need me to carry him just let me know." John offers. Pocahontas smiles as they continue to walk to their ship. They arrive at their ship and enter and go down to the very bottom part of the ship where they had little John's room. Pocahontas and John Smith both kiss their son goodnight and tuck him into bed. They kiss him one more time and go up one floor of the ship where their room was. "Now how are you my darling?" John asked as they laid down on the bed. "Oh I'm doing great. I have the greatest husband in the world, one beautiful son, my best friend is falling in love, and we might have another baby on the way." Pocahontas explains. "Mmmmm! You want to make sure we are having another one?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Pocahontas laughs. She then kisses him passionately. Then he starts to rub her neck. "Oh John that is wonderful." She says as she melts into his arms. "So back to my question? Is that a yes?!" He asked with another smirk on his face. "Mmmmm yes John!" She says as she was under his spell. He then smiles and starts to kiss her passionately and they start to take their clothes of piece by piece. John starts to kiss her neck and work his way down her body. "Mmmmm baby that feels so good." Pocahontas says as she continues to be turned on. Then John makes his way down to her breasts. He kisses right between them. And continues to kiss her all the way down her body. Then they start to rock back and forth with each other. After a while they were exhausted. John then covers them with the blankets. "Mmmmm I love you John." Pocahontas says as she begins to doze off. "I love you too, My Pocahontas." John says as he pulls her close and kisses her head. After a few moments they were both asleep.

The Next Day

Nakoma was getting ready for her lunch date with Reyansh. She was wearing her best dress and a pretty necklace. She was just about to leave when Pocahontas shows up. "Oh hey Pocahontas! I was just getting ready to leave for my date. Do I look ok?" Nakoma asked nervously. Pocahontas giggles. "Oh Nakoma! You look beautiful! And he will think so too. I was just coming over to check on you." Pocahontas replied. "Well I'm really nervous." Nakoma says. "Why are you nervous. You both were kissing last night." Pocahontas accidentally says. Her eyes widen as she realizes what she said. "You saw that?!" Nakoma asked. "Yeah I just happened to look over and you were kissing but I didn't watch for long I promise." Pocahontas says as she tries to apologize. Nakoma laughed. "No worries. It's not like I haven't seen you and John kiss and watch for a minute." Nakoma says. Pocahontas then laughs. "Oh I guess your right. Anyways you better get going, or you will be late." Pocahontas says. Nakoma hugs Pocahontas. "Thanks girl! Bye!" Nakoma says as she runs off to her date. Pocahontas shakes her head and giggles. Then goes off to find her family.

Meanwhile, Reyansh was getting everything set up by the river for their date. He packed a lunch for the two of them. He even made her an ankle bracelet out of special beads. All of a sudden Nakoma comes running up. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I'm late." Nakoma says as she is out of breath. "No worries. I usually give women about ten minutes before I consider you late." He says. Then he finally looks up at her. His jaw dropped. Nakoma blushes. "What?" Nakoma asks. Reyansh stands up. "Oh nothing! It's just that you look beautiful!" Reyansh says. Nakoma blushes. "Oh well thank you." Nakoma says as she sits down. "I made sandwiches. I hope you like them." Reyansh says. "Awwwee I'm sure I will." Nakoma says politely. Reyansh passes out the sandwiches. Then they begin to dig in. "Mmmmm these are very good." Nakoma says as she continues to munch on the sandwich. "Really? You think so?" He asked. Nakoma nods with excitement. Reyansh laughed. "Good, I'm glad you like it." He says. Once they finished eating, they go for a walk in the forest. "So Nakoma are you better in the fields or are you better in the forest?" Reyansh asked. "Oh I'm much better in the fields. Pocahontas however is better in the forest." Nakoma said with a giggle. "Ah ok! That means you have strength from lifting those crops all the time." Reyansh added. "Well I guess I do. I never thought of that before." Nakoma says as she begins to smile. "Well let's see those guns. Come on flex for me." Reyansh said as he flexed his arm so she would know what he wanted her to do. She then flexed her arm. Reyansh then observed her arm. "Ah see, there are some big muscles right there." He says as he points to her muscles. "Wow! I never noticed those before." Nakoma says as she giggles. "Ok now I want to see yours." Nakoma said. "Alright that's fair." Reyansh answers. So he flexed his arm again. Nakoma was in love with his body for sure. He had a heavenly body. Then Nakoma started to feel his muscles. "Ooh...." She mutters. Reyansh laughed. "You haven't ever felt a guys muscles before either have you?" He asked. She shakes her head. "Oh! This is ok isn't it? I wouldn't want to do something you don't like." Nakoma asks worriedly. Reyansh laughed again. "Of course, it is Nakoma! You are my girlfriend after all. You have the right to." He replied. Nakoma smiles. "Oh thank goodness." Nakoma smiles as she continues to feel his muscles. They continue to walk down through the forest and end up on top of the waterfall where Pocahontas likes to jump off of. "Oh wow! You can see everything from up here." Reyansh says as he takes in the view. Nakoma looks around and admired the view as well, but then she looked down and realized she had forgotten she was afraid of heights. "Yeah.... It really is." She says as she hangs on to his arm tightly. Reyansh looked into her eyes and knew something was wrong. He takes her by both hands. "Nakoma. What's wrong?" He asked. Nakoma looks into his eyes. "I'm.... Terribly afraid....... Of heights..." She says as she fully embraces him. Reyansh immediately picks her up and carried her back into the forest and sat her down on the ground and he sat down with her. "It's ok sweetheart. We are not on the cliff anymore." He says as he runs his fingers through her hair. She slowly lifted her head off of his chest. "Oh I'm sorry. I have probably ruined our date." Nakoma says as she tries to stop crying. "Oh no you didn't, but why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" Reyansh asked. "Well, to be honest I sort of forgot. I just found so much love and comfort in your eyes that I forgot." Nakoma says as she continues to look in his eyes. "Really? I made you feel that way?" He asked as he caressed her cheek. "Of course I do. Look I know we haven't know each other very long but it feels like I have a strong connection with you. I know that probably sounds crazy." Nakoma says as she looks down at the ground. Reyansh turns her head back to facing him. "Are you kidding? I feel the same way sweetheart." Reyansh says. Then they both pull into a big passionate kiss. After a few minutes they finally pull out for some air. They were both out of breath. "Oh Reyansh! I think I'm falling for you." Nakoma says as she looks into his eyes lovingly. "Oh Nakoma. I think I'm falling for you too." Reyansh says as he kisses her one more time. They pull out and stand up. "Ok we better get back to the village they will be making dinner soon and we don't want the chief out looking for us." Reyansh says. Nakoma blushes. "Yeah I guess your right." Nakoma says. So they walked back to the village and get ready for dinner.

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