Chapter 5

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Pocahontas and Nakoma finally arrive at the campfire, and everyone was was waiting for them. John comes up in a painc. "Pocahontas! Where have you been? We were starting to get worried about both of you." John says as he takes both of their hands. "Oh I'm sorry. We just lost track of time. I promise to try to make it on time from now on." Pocahontas says with a smile. John kisses her forehead. The chief then looks at the village. "Pocahontas and Nakoma are fine! They lost track of time. Now let's eat!" He announced. The village cheered and started to eat. Chief Powatan walks over to his daughter. "Pocahontas, Nakoma! Thank goodness you two are alright. We were so worried." He says as he embraced both of them. "We are fine father! We were just talking and lost track of time." Pocahontas assured him. "I know, but you remember what happened with John Rolfe. We thought someone might have kidnapped you." He says. Pocahontas shivers at that name. "You're right Father, It won't happen again." She promises. "Good." The chief says with a sigh of relief. "Father? May I speak with you for a moment?" Pocahontas asked. "Of course my daughter." He says as they walk away from the campfire for a moment. "Now what did you want to speak with me about?" Powatan asked. "Father, I just had a discussion with Nakoma and ever since you and adoette got married, she has felt a little lonely and wants to have a family too." Pocahontas explained. Her father nods as she continues to explain. "So Father, I was wondering if there are any eligible men out there that she could go out with?" Pocahontas asks. "Oh Wow. That's a big request, but come to think about it, while you too were gone there was this man asking about her." Powatan says. Pocahontas lights up. "Really?" She asked. "Yes, he seemed really worried about her." Powatan explained. Pocahontas smiles. "Who is he?" She asked eagerly. "He's Kocoum's brother. His name is Reyansh." Her father says as he points the boy out. Pocahontas smiles as she sees him. He was Tall, handsome, and had a sense of humor. He was perfect for Nakoma. "Thank you Father, I will definitely be paying him a visit." Pocahontas says as she hugs her father and smirks. Everyone eats and then heads to the fields to start their chores. Pocahontas whispers to her husband. "John. Keep Nakoma busy while I go talk to her future boyfriend." John was shocked by this. "But sweetheart, are you sure you should intervene?" He whispered back. "Yes. I will explain everything later. I promise." She says with a wink. John sighs. "Alright then, but you can't leave without kissing me." He says as he starts to smirk. "I wouldn't have it any other way." She says as she passionately kisses him. They soon pull out of the kiss. "I love you, I'll be back soon!" She says as she kisses little John and then runs off. "Alright then, come on Little John, let's go do some chores." John says as he picks up his son and joins Nakoma to help with her chores. Pocahontas runs and catches up to Reyansh. He went to his house to grab his harvesting tools. Pocahontas knocks on the side of the house. Reyansh comes to the doorway. "Pocahontas? What can I do for you?" He asked. "Well, I hear you have a thing for my friend, Nakoma." She states. Reyansh starts to blush. Pocahontas laughs. "Yes, I do like Nakoma, I haven't ever told anyone though, How did you know?" He asked. "Well, let's just say the wind told me." Pocahontas says with a smile. "Ah ok." Reyansh replied. "Anyway, Nakoma is very lonely and wants to start a family, but she has to find the right man of course. I think you might be him." Pocahontas says. Reyansh was shocked. "Do you really think so?" He asks. Pocahontas nods. "Wow, I can't believe this! Wait! She would never go out with me." He says with a sigh. "She would if you asked. But you do have to ask." Pocahontas says. "You're right! I will ask her today." Reyansh says with confidence. "Great! Now I gotta go and check on my son. Good luck!" She says as she runs to the fields where her husband and child were.

Meanwhile Nakoma and John were in the fields picking food for the tribe. Suddenly Pocahontas comes out of nowhere and jumps on her husband's back. Little John sees this. "Mommy!" He says as he claps his hands. Pocahontas kisses her husband and then gets down and hugs her son. "Hi Sweetie." She says as she kisses his head. "Hey Pocahontas, Where did you go?" Nakoma asks as she continues to Pick the corn of the stock. Pocahontas smirks. "I'm sorry but I can't tell you, because that would ruin the surprise." She replied with a smile. Nakoma frowned. "John do you know about this?" She asked. "No. I swear Nakoma I know nothing!" He says with widen eyes. Nakoma nods. "Don't worry Nakoma, you will find out today." Pocahontas says as she grabs her son and husband and runs off. "I'll come by later!" Pocahontas shouts as she runs away. Nakoma sighs. Nakoma goes back to her chores. A couple of hours go by and Nakoma's basket was full. She picks up her basket and carries it over her head as she walks towards the bonfire where they drop off all the food. As she was walking a man comes running and knocks her over. Nakoma was furious. "Hey!" She says. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry let me help you." He says as he helps her put all of the corn back in the basket. Nakoma smiles as they finished putting the corn back in the basket. "Thank you." She says as she looks at him. She immediately had a crush on him he was so handsome. He then looks at her. "Oh! Nakoma! I was just on my way to see you." He says. "Really? Why?" Nakoma asks. "Well first let me introduce myself. My name is Reyansh. I was Kocoum's brother." "Oh it's nice to meet you. And I'm sorry for what happened to your brother." She says. "Thank you." He says humbly. "So what did you want to see me about?" Nakoma asked. "Oh yes. Well, I have been admiring you from afar lately and your friend Pocahontas came to see me earlier and said that you are looking for a special someone. So, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" He asked. "So that's where she went. And yes Reyansh I would love to go out with you." Nakoma says with a huge grin on her face. "Great how about Tomorrow afternoon?" Reyansh asked happily. "Sounds great." Nakoma replied. "Great! I'll see you then!" He says as he runs off. Nakoma smiles to herself. "Pocahontas you have a lot of explaining to do." Nakoma says to herself. Then Nakoma starts to walk towards the bonfire again.

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