chapter 11

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Nakoma wakes up the next morning with the bear still in her arms. She kisses the bear and continues to snuggle with it. "Oh Reyansh. I miss you." She says as she squeezes the bear tightly. Then she gets up and gets dressed. After she gets dressed she heads down to breakfast. She finds Reyansh and goes over and sits by him. "Oh well good morning princess. And how did you sleep?" Reyansh asked as he kisses her. Nakoma smiles. "I slept really well. Thanks for letting me sleep with your bear last night. It really helped." Nakoma replied. "Of course darling. Keep it as long as you need it." Reyansh says as he caressed her cheek. Nakoma blushes. "Thank you. I'll give it back once we are married." Nakoma says. Reyansh was puzzled. "Why when we are married?" Reyansh asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Well because I won't need it then. I will have you to cuddle with." Nakoma says sweetly. Reyansh blushed and kisses her. "I love you Reyansh!" Nakoma says. "I love you too." Reyansh replied. They ate breakfast and then went for a walk. "I'm getting anxious for the wedding." Nakoma says. "So am I darling." Reyansh says as he closes the gap between them. Nakoma smiles as they start to kiss. "I can't wait to be married and have children with you. You are going to be a wonderful mother." Reyansh says as he caressed her face. Nakoma started to get emotional. "Oh Reyansh." She says as tears slide down her face. Reyansh wipes her tears away. Then they start to walk again. "So when do you want to get married?" Reyansh asked. "Hmmmmm..... That's a good question." She says as she starts to think. Then Nakoma lights up. "Hey how about in two months that way we don't have to wait long and Pocahontas won't be too big with her pregnancy." Nakoma suggested. "That sounds like a great idea! We shall have it on the beach, close to the ocean." Reyansh suggested. "Oh that's perfect!" Nakoma exclaimed. "We might even be able to borrow the ship the English men brought from London last year." Reyansh suggested. "That's a great idea. I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Nakoma says excitedly.  "Yeah. That's what I thought too." Reyansh replied.  They start to eat and then John and Pocahontas come and sit down. "So how is the new couple?" John asked as he put Little John on his lap. "Well, we were just making wedding plans." Nakoma says as she snuggles up against Reyansh. Pocahontas was surprised and excited. "Oh my goodness! Really?" Pocahontas asked Nakoma nods. "Yes it's true! We are so excited to be a family." Reyansh says as he holds his fiance's hand. "So when is the wedding?" Pocahontas asked. "Well we have decided that we want to have it in two months. That way we don't have to wait that long and you won't be too far along in your pregnancy." Nakoma says. Pocahontas starts to tear up. "Awe Nakoma. Am I really that big of a deal to your wedding?" Pocahontas asked. "Well of course! You are my maid of honor. I want you to be able to be up there to support me." Nakoma replied. Pocahontas is now teary eyed. "Oh Nakoma! That's so sweet!" Pocahontas says as she hugs her best friend. Then they started to talk about the wedding. After awhile, the men had to go do chores and go work on building the ship. "Well, Pocahontas, we have to go. We have to do some chores and we still have to finish our new home." John says as he kisses his wife goodbye. "Alright, don't work too hard boys." Nakoma looks at Reyansh. Reyansh looks at her and then kisses her passionately. "Hey, I'll see you at dinner ok?" He says. Nakoma smiles. "Ok bye." She says. Then the men walk away. Pocahontas turns back to her best friend. "So when do I get to see the dress?" Pocahontas asks. Nakoma's eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! I haven't started it yet." Nakoma says. Pocahontas laughs. "Well come on girl. We have a dress to make." Pocahontas says as she gets up and pulls Nakoma up as well. Nakoma and Pocahontas went to gather materials for the dress. They come back to Nakoma's house later with the materials. Then Nakoma grabs the fabric and starts to sew the dress. Pocahontas then starts to sew decorations for the dress. Soon Nakoma had sewn the top part of the dress together. "Oooh Nakoma! That dress looks gorgeous!" She says as she giggled. Nakoma as giggles. "Thanks. I want to blow Reyansh away on the day of the wedding." Nakoma says with a giggle. Pocahontas giggles with her. "Well Nakoma, so far it looks like you will but when your finished with it, he will drop dead." She says with a giggle. They both laugh. They work on the dress until dinner time. John starts calling for Pocahontas. John comes close to Nakoma's house. "Pocahontas?!" He says as he starts to head inside. "Don't come in! Don't look!" She says as John walks in. John looks at them as they were trying to hide the dress. "Why? I'm already married." John says. "Well of course silly but where is Reyansh?" Nakoma asked as she hid the dress quickly. "Oh he's at the bonfire waiting for you. I came to tell you guys it's dinner time." John says as he begins to smirk. "Oh my goodness. Nakoma we are late for dinner. Come on. We have to go." Pocahontas says as she pulls her best friend off the floor. "Oh my goodness yes. Reyansh must be so worried. I'll meet you guys there." Nakoma says as she starts to run as fast as she can to the bonfire. "Come on John." Pocahontas says as she was about to grab his hand and run. John then grabs her by the waist and plants her feet on the ground. "Woah there. Slow down. You are not running anywhere." He says firmly. Pocahontas was shocked by this. "But John. You said it yourself, we are late for dinner." She says. "Yes but dinner can wait. It's our new baby that I'm more concerned about." John says as he puts his hand on her stomach. Pocahontas looks down at his hands. Then she looks back up at her husband. "Oh my goodness! John I completely forgot. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not used to being pregnant. It's been quite a while since I was last pregnant." Pocahontas replied. John smiles. "I know. Just be careful. I care about both of you so much." John says as he kisses her forehead. Pocahontas smiles and then they start to walk to dinner.

Once they arrive at the bonfire Pocahontas and John start to eat some dinner. Pocahontas was hungrier than she thought. She ate at least three plates full. "My goodness, Save some for the baby too." John joked. Pocahontas laughs at this. "I guess I was hungrier that I thought I was." Pocahontas says. John laughs and kisses her head. "Oh Pocahontas. I am just teasing you. Eat as much as you need for our baby." John says. Pocahontas laughs and continued to eat until she was full. Then Little John runs up to his parents. "Oh Hi sweetie! How was your day?" Pocahontas asks. "Great! Grandpa took me fishing." L.J. says. "Oh well that's wonderful son!" John says as he picks his son up. After dinner Pocahontas and John went back to their ship. They put little John to bed. Then the Happy couple decided to go to bed themselves. "John? Do you think we will have a little girl like we want?" Pocahontas asks as the two start to cuddle. "Pocahontas, even if we get another boy, I'll be happy, and do you know why?" John asked as he starts to rub Pocahontas' stomach. Pocahontas looked confused. "No. Why?" She asked. John pulled her closer to him. "Because, It's our child, and no matter what they look like I'm going to love them just the same." John says as he kisses her cheek. Pocahontas turns on her side to face him. She starts to cry. "Oh John! That was beautiful!" She says. "Well it's one hundred percent true too." He says as he kisses her lips. Pocahontas continues to cry and starts to cry into her husband's chest. "There there, let it out." John says as he pats her back. "Thank you John." Pocahontas replied. "My pleasure. Now get some rest." John says. Pocahontas nods and falls asleep in her husband's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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