season 1 episode 4

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DISCLAIMER: All characters and locations in this story belong to Julian Fellowes except from my OC Florence Crawley. This story has been created for entertainment only.

When May arrived in Downton, so too did the village fair. The village had still been in mourning from the Titanic when the fair was there last year so everyone was quite excited for the fair this year.

One afternoon, Florence found herself reading in the library. Her Papa was sat at his desk doing some form of work. Her Papa didn't mind her sitting in the library when he was working as long as she didn't disturb him. She was sat peacefully reading her favourite book, Much Ado About Nothing. When she reached the part where Benedick and Beatrice were admitting their love for one another, Florence couldn't help but think of Matthew. She had not seen him in a while. They always seemed to just miss each other.

They were both disturbed by Carson as he walked into the Library from the door directly in front of the couch that she was sat on. Carson paused just inside of the room and said, "You wanted to see the new chauffeur, M'lord."

"Yes, indeed. Please send him in." Robert replied, not even turning to look.

Florence was curious about the new chauffeur so she looked over her book to see as the man nervously walked in. As his eyes met hers, she smiled welcomingly. He nodded respectively at her before turning to focus his entire attention to her father.

"Come in, come in. Good to see you again. Branson, isn't it?" Robert asked turning in his chair to face Branson.

"That's right, Your Lordship." Branson replied, with an Irish accent.

"I hope they've shown you where everything is? And we've delivered whatever we promised at the interview?" Robert asked kindly.

"Certainly, M'lord." Branson replied.

"Won't you miss Ireland?" Robert asked curiously standing from his seat and approaching the young chauffer.

"Ireland, yes, but not the job. The mistress was a nice lady, but she only had one car and she wouldn't let me drive it over 20 miles an hour. So it was a bit..." Branson replied honestly, pausing slightly.

"Boring?" Florence suggested from her seat.

Both men looked over to her. Robert had obviously forgotten that she was there.

Branson smiled and nodded, "Yes, M'lady, boring, so to speak."

Robert chuckled and Florence smiled in amusement.

"You've got a wonderful library." Branson commented to the surprise of both Robert and Florence. It was rare that any of the staff showed an interest in the library.

"You're very welcome to borrow books, if you wish." Robert offered.

"Really, m'lord?" Branson asked in surprise.

"There's a ledger over there that I make everyone use, even my daughters." Robert said, nodding over to Florence.

"That is true. My name fills an entire page." Florence added with a smile.

"Carson and Mrs. Hughes sometimes take a novel or two. What are your interests?" Robert asked curiously.

"History and politics, mainly." Branson answered truthfully again.

Both Robert and Florence nodded in surprise. Branson was turning into one big surprise. Robert couldn't keep his surprise silent, "Heavens."

The door opened then and Carson entered again.

"Carson, Branson is going to borrow some books. He has my permission." Robert told Carson.

Florence could see the surprise on Carson's face too.

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