III. My Existential Crisis and Edmund's Fantastic Plan

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When I wake up, the sunlight is streaming in through the window, my hair is strewn over my neck, and—

Something is touching my back.

I sit up immediately, throwing myself out of the bed as fast as possible. I sigh in relief when I realize that the thing touching my back had been Edmund's arm. It's obvious he's not used to sleeping in a bed with someone else, based on how he's taking up nearly the whole thing.

Great, now I'm awake.

A knock on the living room door signifies that my maid has brought up my morning tea. I open the door and smile at her, taking the tray out of her hand and sitting it on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. I sit down with a heft sigh, ready to have a few moments peace.

"Um, miss?" The maid asks me from the door.

"Hmm?" I spin around to face her.

"Lady Selene has asked that you send King Edmund to her chambers...immediately." She speaks hesitantly, like she knows that any mention of Selene will make me angry.

"Okay, thank you." She leaves and I let out a hefty sigh, guess I'll have to wake him up. I go back into our bedroom and nudge his arm. He rustles but doesn't wake up.

"Edmund!" I whisper. He responds with a sleepy groan. As much as I hate to do it, I know what I have to do. I grab a pillow out from under his head and wack him with it. Okay, I actually don't hate to do that at all.

He sits up quickly, "What is wrong with you?"

"Selene wants you," I say causally, sitting the pillow back on the bed and walking back out into the living room.

"You didn't have to wake me up so aggressively!" He calls from the bedroom.

"Actually, I did. You wouldn't wake up to civility." I sit down and start to sip the tea my maids had brought to me. I can hear drawers be thrown open angrily and the rustle of Edmund getting dressed.

"What did you say Selene wants?" He walks out into the living room, still buttoning his pants.

"I don't know, just that she needs you." He sits down on the same couch as me, grabbing one of the tea cups and taking a sip.

"Hey! That's not for you!" I reach for it, but he leans away from me.

"You got two cups of tea for yourself?" He looks at me judgmentally.

"Yes." I reach over and take the cup out of his hand, just before it reaches his mouth. He doesn't move. "My cousin does not like to be kept waiting."

"Right, yeah." He hesitates for a second before leaving, and I almost laugh out loud. Edmund is willing to torture himself with Selene's presence to torture me, it's hilarious.

I keep myself busy by finishing my tea, organizing all the books on the bookshelf, and getting myself dressed. Anything to avoid people like my brother.

Eventually I get the bright idea to go and pay a visit to Lucy and Susan. After all, they are the closest thing I have to a friend at the moment. I grab a book off of our bookshelf about identifying Narnian flowers for Lucy, because she had been talking about them a lot yesterday.

Just as I'm about to head out the door, someone knocks on it. I don't think twice before answering, and standing on the other side of the door is none other than Caspian. My eyes go wide, and I start to shut the door in his face but he stops me by putting his hand on the doorframe.

"Y/N, please? Can we just talk for a minute?" I don't say anything, just open the door an inch wider and let him step in. As much as I hate to admit it, I miss my big brother. And if he wants to try to fix our relationship, I'll let him.

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