VII. Bridges and Bones and Nosebleeds

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"King Edgar's cave." Edmund says suddenly, snapping me awake. We have been in the library for hours, the stars are twinkling through the great window, and I can hardly stay awake.

"What's that?" I ask groggily, sitting up straighter and looking at him. He has a pencil tucked behind his ear, and he's laying down on a windowsill with a thick book held above his eyes.

He stands up quickly, rushing over to the table I sit at. He pushes the book I had been reading before dozing off out of the way, and shoves his in place. My eyes blur the words in front of me, the only thing clear being an illustration of a great fiery dragon with a crown on its head.

"King Edgar ruled some...thousand years ago. He was known for his lavish riches, expensive clothing," He says, tapping his finger on a short passage he underlined and circled about a thousand times, "Until one day, everyone found out that he had been stealing money from his people with harsh taxes and...hey, are you sleeping?"

I yawn and look up at him, "Can you just stop talking about taxes and get to the point, please?"

His face softens a little, "Sure, whatever. So anyway, his people found out about that and got like, super mad. So they found this sorcerer guy out in the woods and told him to put a curse on their king."

"Got it."

"And so, the sorcerer decided that it would be a fit punishment to...turn him into a dragon?"


"So, when king Edgar found out his people were plotting against him, he tried to run. He ended up hiding in a cave, but the sorcerer was strong enough to curse him while he was still inside the cave," Edmund points to another annotated chunk of text, "And since he was a dragon, he was too big to fit out the exit of the cave. And, well...he died down there. As a dragon."

"So his skeleton is still in the cave?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes.

"That's the running theory." Edmund sighs, shutting the book and tucking it under his arm.

"No one's ever been there?"

"No. I mean, I'm not sure I would ever choose to go into a big scary cave that potentially has a dragon skeleton inside of it unless I absolutely had to, would you?"

"I guess," A beat of silence passes, "Where is this cave, anyway?"

"It's pretty far. Would take us half a day to get there, at the very least."

I let out a long sigh, "How do we escape for that long unnoticed?" Edmund's eyebrows knit together in thought, as do mine. Though I can't exactly for a full thought without thinking about being warm in my bed. After all, I have managed to find a portal, barely escape the clutches of a werewolf, and get knocked out for several hours in just one day. And it felt like all that had happened days ago, when it was really just hours.

"I know!" Edmund says, snapping his fingers together, "There's a small dwarf village near the cave, I'm sure there's a bed-and-breakfast inn type place we could stay in, overnight."

I nod, "That's good, but what's our excuse for leaving?"

His eyes dart around the room, like some great idea will jump out at him, and then his eyes light up. "We could say we're...going there to...uh...campaign against all the violence going on lately!" He speaks like he's figuring it out as he says it, "And with you being attacked by the werewolf, it's perfect timing. They won't question it, not even for a second."

"Yeah, good idea." I yawn. I wish I could put more emotion into it because honestly, it is a really good idea.

"I'll call Peter and Caspian into the council room to run the idea past them." Edmund says, taking the pencil out from behind his ear and placing in on the table.

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