XX. Happily Ever After

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Christmas night, Edmund and I sit on the couch with fresh cocoa and a purring cat stretched across our laps.

"So Y/N—was Christmas everything you hoped it would be?"

"And more." I smile, leaning into his side and stroking Eva's fur.

"What was your favorite part?"

"Hmm...well, I liked the presents. Even though I didn't get any, um...oh—I liked the pancakes. Making pancakes was fun."

"Susan did all the work." He rolls his eyes, downing the last of his cocoa and sitting the mug on the coffee table.

"Eating them was fun, then."

"You know what I liked?"


"The pantry." He looks over at me with a sly smile and I blush under his gaze.

"The pantry was your favorite part of Christmas?" I ask incredulously.

"It was definitely one of the highlights."

I look away, annoyed at how easily he can get under my skin now. It used to always be the other way around, I would be the one saying something to make him uncomfortable and embarrassed. Maybe I still can.

His hand slides back over my arm and he finally breaks eye contact. His other hand moves to my waist and pulls me closer to him, my breathing ceases.

He sighs and presses his forehead against mine, "I love you." He whispers.

I'm so confused by how he's acting that I laugh again, "I love you, too?"

His hand goes from my arm to the back of my head in a matter of seconds, pulling my mouth to his. I gasp and kiss him back, feeling him graze his teeth over my bottom lip.

I place my hands on either side of his face and scoot closer to him, while he kisses me so hard it makes my head spin. My lips are sore for a second time that day, not that I'm exactly complaining.

"You know," He breathes out between kisses, "I always pretended to hate it when you called me that," His lips meet mine again, "But I don't. I love it."

"Yes, I can see that." I smart as his hands move to grip my hips. Then I add, "Your Majesty."

He hums against my lips as he starts to pull me closer and closer, and eventually I have one leg pulled over his lap. I slide so that I'm on him like the day I first got back, when I kissed him on the bed. He fits his mouth to mine again and again, his hands touching every inch of my waist and hips.

"Why didn't we ever do this before?" I gasp as he drags his lips down to my jaw, placing kisses there instead.

"We uh...hated each other."

"Right." I grit, tugging on his hair to stabilize myself. He pulls away and it's my turn now, I place kisses on his jaw and down his neck while he gasps and digs his nails into my hips.

"W—oh. We should probably...go to bed." He pants. I sit up and look at him, his eyes are heavy and lips parted.

"Are you sure?" I frown, tracing my fingers over the small mark left on his neck.

He smirks up at me, "I didn't say we have to sleep."

And so, we go to bed. But we don't sleep.

I'm wearing not much more than Edmund's shirt and my underwear the next morning. His bare arm is flung across my stomach, his hair spilled over his pillow. I lay staring up at the ceiling, wondering what the consequences would be if I stayed here all day instead of going to the ball.

 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙙 (edmund pevensie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now