IV. Y/N The Confuser

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Y/N is a very confusing person. I've known her for roughly three days and I already know this. Actually, I only needed to talk to her once to know. I tried to comfort her, and she went off on me. I think she fails to realize that her and I are in the exact same boat. Like, I don't want to be married to her either!

"We're never going to find anything!" She exclaims. We've been searching the palace library for hours. So far, we've found a few biographies about old Narnian kings, and none of them mentioned anything about how to mysteriously disappear from this world.

Maybe this was a bad idea, telling Y/N that she might have a chance of escaping Narnia. I should have done a little research first before telling her. But I saw Caspian storming out of her room, and with the broken teacups...I could tell what was going on. I cant believe Caspian would hurt his own sister.

I just wanted to say something to make her happy.

She can be a royal pain, (haha.) but I actually feel bad for her. Of course, I'm not the nicest to her either. It's all very confusing.

"Maybe we need to take a break, get some lunch or something." I said as I idly flipped through a book about the Golden Age.

"No, we have to keep looking. There has to be some way out of here, I know it..."

"You could just...walk to somewhere else. Sneak onto a ship?" I offer.

"No, you don't understand. They would realize I'm gone and catch me before I'm even out of the country. It has to be fast, and I can't leave any evidence."

I shut my book and carry it over to where she is. She's touching the worn spines that cover the thick oak shelves, reading every title and author. I slide my book back into its place and start to follow her fingers with my eyes, searching for anything she might've missed.

"Wait—what's that?" I ask, my eyes catching on a title.

Spells and Enchantments For the Weary Traveler

"Oh, I saw that. Too bad I'm not a weary traveler." She continues moving down the shelves.

"We should at least look inside."

"Edmund, I was joking. I'm not going to get out of here with witchcraft." She spits the word.

"Why not?" I ask, confused.

"Do you fancy getting burned at the stake or something?" I raise my eyebrows at that and she laughs, "Right. Narnians probably don't care if you're a witch."

"Telmarines do?"

"Oh, yeah. Hang them, burn them, pretty much any punishment you can think of."

"Well, it's a good thing Telmarines don't rule anymore." I slide the book out. It's a dull brown color with faded black lettering on the front. There's no author listed. I flip through the thick, yellowed pages, searching for anything that might be of use.

A Spell For Good Luck
A Spell For A Plentiful Harvest
A Spell To Turn Your Enemy Into A Pig For A Day
A Spell That Can Be Whatever You Want It To Be
A Spell—


A Spell That Can be Whatever You Want It To Be. The rest of the page is completely empty, where there would normally be ingredients and instructions for how to perform the spell.

"Y/N—hey, Y/N, come here!"

"Don't tell me you found something in that thing—"

"Look." I jab my finger at the page and she narrows her eyes, mouthing the name of the spell.

 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙙 (edmund pevensie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now