VIII. Your Majesty

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Y/N is falling. I told her not to go across, she didn't listen, and now she's falling. Forty feet down. Into deep, churning water. I cant move. I'm frozen. What am I supposed to do?

Jump in and save her you idiot!

Right, yeah. That would probably be the best course of action. I throw my sword out onto the cave floor, and grab the spell book to place it in my satchel, along with my torch. I take a shaky breath and run forward, pitching myself over the edge of the cliff.

I hit the water in a matter of seconds, plunging deep below. I kick myself up, up, up, but I never seem to reach the surface. I finally push up and force the air down my lungs, choking.

"Y/N!" I gasp out, "Y/N!"

"Edmund—over here!" She shouts from somewhere behind me, and I reel around to find the source of the sound. I squint into the dim light, looking for her. The water slaps onto the side of the cave walls, rolling back toward the body of water like waves. I finally spot Y/N and push myself forward through the water.

She yells something at me but I can't hear her over the roaring of the waterfall, and keep swimming until I reach her. She's fighting for air, struggling to stay above the water as another wave hits her.

"Are you okay?" I yell over the sound as I approach her.

"No!" She tells back, still choking. I pick up the speed and finally reach her side. Much to my surprise, she throws her arms around my neck, using me as an anchor. "I...can't breathe." She struggles, her voice right next to my ear.

"Okay, okay hold on. There's a tunnel that way. Can you swim over there?" I say and she She nods. "Okay so uh...let go of me then." She flushes despite the biting cold of the water, and releases her arm from around my neck. "Hopefully this tunnel will bring us back to the cave entrance."

We swim through the thick, cutting waves. It takes a long time, given that the tunnel is about twenty feet away and the water wants to carry us away from it. We finally reach it, and I pull myself up onto the slick rock, collapsing onto it and panting. I shiver and cough as Y/N pulls herself up next to me, gasping and choking up water.

"I think it's funny how I have to keep saving you, huh?" I say, rolling onto my back and looking over at her. Her wet clothes cling to her body and she manages to hold herself above the ground with shaky arms, forcing air into her lungs.

"No," She breathes out, "I don't think it's funny at all." She finally let's her arms give loose, and falls onto the wet rock. I sit up and take my drenched satchel from around my neck. I open it up and take out the spell book, the leather cover is dripping wet, but the pages are magically dry.

"I saved the book!" My eyes trail over to the torch, which is also drowned in water, "But it looks like we'll be finding our way out in the dark."

"Lovely." Y/N sits up too, reaching her hand into the back of her shirt and tugging on something. She pulls her hand back out and the bandages I placed on her last night are there, drenched and useless. She throws the wad on the ground with a disgusting slop and reaches into the pouch on her belt where her dagger once was. "At least we still have these," She smiles, taking out her hand full of dragon teeth.

"I told you not to go on that bridge." I wrap my arms around my stomach and force body heat into myself, the water is freezing.

 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙙 (edmund pevensie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now