IX. If Caspian Throws Another Ball I Will Literally Kill Myself

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I wake up with a splitting headache, the uncomfortable feeling of fabric against the healing wounds on my back, and someone's arms wrapped around me. I slowly open my eyes to the blinding morning light and shiver, I fell asleep without getting under the covers.

The arms around me happen to be Edmund's and I twist to observe our interesting position. My hands are pressed against his chest, my face buried into his neck, and his arms hold me flush against him. He's still fast asleep, so I carefully untwist myself from his grasp, while also trying to keep my back from scratching against the bed. It's a struggle, but eventually I'm standing up, out of breath, facing my still-asleep husband on the bed.

Memories flood my throbbing head, getting out of the bath, coming over to see what Edmund was working on, then it all goes blank. I must've fallen asleep. I groan in embarrassment, realizing we subconsciously moved like that in the night. I continue groaning as I walk into the bathroom, recalling the drinking and, oh, the dancing. The Your Majesties, the cold walk home. All of the events from the night before.

They bleed together into an uncomfortable mixture of embarrassment, and the memories haunt my mind as I tie my hair back and get dressed. Today, Edmund and I will ride back to the palace, stopping at the portal on our way home to see what we have to do with those hard-earned dragon teeth.

When I'm done getting myself ready, I walk back into our bedroom and shake Edmund awake, "Hey, wake up—no, don't look at me like that—Edmund, put the pillow down!" I say, deflecting myself from a fatal blow.

"I'm not responding until you address me as 'Your Majesty' again." He smirks.

"Shut up." I blush and look away.

"I would be willing to settle for Ed. You did call me that, too."

"Edmund Pevensie if you don't get out of that bed right now, I'm leaving without you."

"Fine, fine!" He throws his hands up in mock surrender, "I think I miss drunk you. She was a lot nicer. They should keep alcohol around the palace more."

"I'll talk to Peter about it." I smart, walking back into the bathroom to attempt to apply bandages to myself. That shuts him up very quickly.

We arrive at the tree gateway sometime midday, the sun is high and the air is cool from the first breaths of winter.

"What're we supposed to do with the dragon tooth anyway?" Edmund asks as we dismount our horses and approach the portal.

"That's what we're here to find out." As I run my fingers over the cool bark, I am reminded of what went down the last time I was here. The werewolf, its scratch, Edmund's rescue. I shudder at the thought.

Edmund crouches down and inspects the roots of the tree, running his fingers along it, "I never did get the chance to look at this thing very closely. I was too occupied saving your life and such."

"Right. And such." I laugh.

"Hold on, Y/N." Edmund speaks up, approaching the base of the two trees, "Let me see one of those teeth." I untie the leather pouch around my waist and toss one at him.

"Ow!" He exclaims when it hits him in the nose, "I'm still recovering from your elbow to my face yesterday, geez."

I cringe remembering how he had tried to stop me, only for me to end up falling anyway, "Yeah. Sorry about that. Kind of." I look back at the tree and sigh, "I don't know how we're supposed to figure this out on our own—"

 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙙 (edmund pevensie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now