Chapter 41: Ending of Season 3

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3rd POV:

We now see Y/n and Seo flying to Joey's ki direction. While they were flying both Seo and Y/n had reverted to their base forms drained from using the Galick Kamehameha attack at max power.

As they did reach the dragon warrior, they had woke him up. After waking him up we now see them talking.

Y/n: "Our last 'friendly' assassin is with Izuku and Shoto... We gotta hurry."

Seo: "I couldn't agree any more Cado... Can you tap into godly instinct again?"

Y/n: "I think I have enough energy... Yeah. What about you, can you go Super Saiyan 5 again?"

Seo: "Yeah... Joey, can you tap into that power again?"

Joey: "Yeah... I can also bring my 'friend' also."

Y/n: "Then let's not waste anymore time..."

And with that the trio had flown into the direction of Izuku and Shoto's ki.

With Izuku and Shoto:

We now see the two quirk users dodging and or blocking the shadow weapons.

Izuku: "We can't attack him head on and he's cornered us... Damnit!"

Shoto: "That Null guy keeps pinning us down..."

But three familiar auras had attacked the youngest assassin named Null.

Null: "So my brothers failed to kill you three off... Good..."

Y/n, Seo, Joey: ".... What?"

Their question was answered as multiple clones emerged as well as Null looking much more older than before.

As he had finished his transformation, he had sent multiple clones and weapons at the five. But as they came close to the group, they were blocked out by a wall of fire.

Shoto: "Their weakness is light."

Seo: "That's good to know..."

Y/n: "... Once this wall is down... *transforms into Godly Instinct* I'll fight him... Just keep me cover..."

Joey: "I guess I can test out the full extent to my power."

As the flaming wall had disappeared, the Y/n had rushed at Null while the others opened his path.


Null: "Fine then... LET'S DANCE!!!"

As the to had gotten closer to each other the had attempted punched each other in the face. But Y/n dodged before the fist connected and kicked Null in the chest, which had sent him flying. But Y/n used his ki whips to lock Null in place as he had the delivered a devastating blow to Null's stomach causing him to cough out blood. This had also ripped him out of the ki whips.

Slowly getting up, Null had increased his power by adding the shadow power, it didn't help that it had turned night making Null even more stronger. But with this strength, Null's body started to deform in some areas.

As this happened he had rushed at Y/n again but this time appeared behind him, slapping the saiyan into the ground. And with that Null landed on the peak of a flat mountaintop.

Slowly standing up, Y/n saw Null charging an ki bomb. As this happened Y/n charged a powerful red aura and his hair started to glow red.

As Null launched the ki bomb, Y/n moved his leg slightly.

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