Chapter 27: The Worst

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I was driving home. It was dark and there are few cars on the road so I speed up a little. I noticed that there are bikers with red scarves behind me so I went to the side of the road to let them through.

“What the- are they following me?”

I was about to turn on the right when a black van appeared. After that everything became dark.


“There you are Eren! I’ve been looking for you,” Armin arrived.

“Yo,” Armin sat beside me.

“Eren, can you tell me what exactly happened?”

“Look, Levi and I didn’t do some sex, he just paid me for him to kiss at. That’s all,”

“That’s almost like prostitution right?”

“Dunno. But the kiss was just fast, it didn’t take a minute though. Then after that, he gave me the money,”

“That’s weird,”

“What would I do? How can I explain this to Mom?”

“I got your back Eren, don’t worry,”

“Thanks Armin,”

“But Eren, do you really love Sir Levi?”


I was staring at the ceiling when suddenly a bloody patient on the stretcher arrived to the emergency room.

“Is that…Levi-san?” I stood up and went to the emergency room.

“Eren, where are you going?”

“Stay there,”

I searched everywhere until I find him.

“Doc, what happened to him?”

“It’s a car accident sir,”

“I see…please do everything,”

“We will,”

It’s been 2 hours…

I saw the doctor came out to the operating room.

“The operation was successful and the bullet has been removed from the body safely,”

“A bullet?”

“Yes, someone shot him at the chest. It almost hit his heart,”

“Thank goodness,”

“We’ll be putting him to a room, he’ll wake up anytime soon,”

“Thank you,”



“How’s he?!”

“He’s alright, the bullet had been removes safely,”

“Thank God,”

“Sorry if I have to call you this late at night,”


“I wonder who did this to Levi-san,” I looked at him.

“Never mind about that for a while, we have to wait for Levi to wake up before we make a move,”

“Understood,” I want to wake him up now, I don’t want to see him like this every day.

Days With Him (SnK, AoT, Riren, Ereri) part 1Where stories live. Discover now