Chapter 10: The Stranger

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I don't know what is his problem. I don't know anything about him. He was looking through my eyes like he was a picking a fight. Shit! Why can't I take him out of my head.


It was first day of school. It's kinda weird but I'm getting used to it. I enter to the classroom which I belong and picked the best seat near the window. I was gazing at the sky when someone entered our classroom. It was him, the mister sharp eyes guy. His name was Levi Ackerman. It's kindda weird because they both share the same surnames as Mikasa's.

My heart beats fast. I don't know why do I feel like this...

Sometimes I caught him glaring at me... What the heck?


Candice... she was the one who wote  me a love letter last week. She's innocent, kind and many more I can't descibe. We've been always hang-out together since the time we met, it was good having her as a friend although she had a crush on me.

"Hey Eren I heard that you've dating someone without even telling me,"

"Mom, we're just friends,"

"Is that so? Then tell me, what's her name?"


"Oh Eren it's just like yesterday when you are still a child and now you've been dating someone,"

"Oh c'mon mom we're just friends, okay?"

Actually I felt sorry to Candice because I don't love her as he love me too...sorry Candice, but I think you're not the person for me.


Sometimes Candice and weren't together because I still want to spend my time with my old friends. These days I saw her looking to another boy. I don't know who he is but i think Candice and him know each other.

I heard rumors that the boy already had a fiance. They are still so young to get married though.

The next day Candice was absent because she had a fever. Before I went home from school I visit her to her house to give the assignment she would take.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Um I'm Eren. I'm just going to give her the assignment she would take,"

"Come in,"

As I went inside, there are so many expensive furnitures around. I think I was in a castle or something. The maid stopped infront of a door at the end of the corridor.

"Milady, Sir Eren is here,"

"Please come in,"

It was dark when I came in. The maid smiled and left the room.


"Candice? Are you feeling fine?" She was pale.

"Don't worry I'm fine,"

"By the way these are the assignments you need to take for tomorrow...if you come,"

"Thanks Eren,"

"If you need something just call me okay?"


When I turned around I accidentaly bumped into a table and the frame fell down. Luckily the floor had a carpet that didn't made the frame crack. I opened the side lamp a little and saw a picture of two children. I think the girl was Candice and the boy...I think I saw him before, but look he had a beautiful violet eyes. Candice grabbed the frame and throw it in the trash can.

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't want to see that picture again,"

"Why?" She didn't reply.

"Sorry. I just gonna go. I think you need space for a bit,"

"Wait!" She hold my hand and embaced me.


She didn't reply again but I heard her crying. I tried to comfort her but she won't stop. 

I lift her up and put her back on the bed. I patted her arms and kissed her forehead. She stopped.

"I don't want that. Please don't do that again..."

"Sorry I dont know,"



"Could you play that music box on the table?"


I played the music box that she wanted to, and it was beautiful.

"My mother gave me that music box since I was still a child,"


"Yes. She said that when I'm sad I must play it, because it keeps my mind so peaceful..."

"Yeah, it keeps my mind peaceful to-,"

When I looked at her she was already asleep. I arrange her quilt and left the room.


Along the way home, someone grab my arm and I bumped into the wall.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"Who are you? Do you have a relationship with Candice? Tell me!"

"What are you talking about?!" It was dark I couldn't see his face clearly, but when the light of the car pass through I saw his eyes and it was violet. His eyes were just like in the picture.

"I warn you, if you hurt her just a little bit, you will stay at the hospital for a month. Do you understand?"

"Okay...okay...," Then he released me.

"Eren!" Mikasa's voice was coming

"Shit!" The stranger ride on his motorcycle and run away.

"Eren are you alright? Who is that man? If I see him hurting you again I'll kill him,"

"It's okay Mikasa, I'm fina. Let's go home and please don't let mom know about this,"


Days With Him (SnK, AoT, Riren, Ereri) part 1Where stories live. Discover now