Chapter 14: It's Time

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I don’t know what to do. All the things are going all wrong. Maybe I can’t hold this anymore. I want her. I loved her…

I always been wondering why did I told that to her. I promise, she’s not a stupid girl. One day I saw her with that Eren together at the garden, I want to go to her but my fiancé was there beside me and by that I felt jealousy. I was at the corner from Candice’s house when I saw Eren walked by. I grabbed him up at the alley and told him all the things he must do to Candice. I know it was a bad idea but I have to.

Sometimes every night I went to the park, there, I can remember the days Candice and I spent together gazing at the stars. I know it was pretty lame that children go out of their houses, went to the park just to gaze at the stars and that’s why we’re always scolded by our parents. I want to tell Candice that I really want her to be my bestfriend again, but I can’t.

During my time in the America, I can’t deliver my letters to her because of my dad’s orders. I was sad then. As time passes on, my dad told me that I have to marry his friend’s daughter and to let our company improved. I hate it when dad gave orders to me because I think I’m always secured to his presence, I want to be free.

Before I sleep I was looking at the old picture frame with me and Candice when we were still kids. Sometimes I smile like an idiot.

One day, Stacey and I were walking around the garden when I saw Eren and Candice together, like they’re talking to each other seriously. Suddenly Eren grabbed her and kissed her. Fuck! If I could only kick his balls of doing it. Grrr!! I was mad then. I walked out about that scene because I feel hurt. Shit! Just then I was sad because I’ve been always hoping that I’ll be the one who will take the first kiss of Candice but I think it’s already too long to hold it.

As I went home, I went to my dad’s office with a bang.

“Dad, will you discharge my engagement to Stacey?”


“I don’t love her,”

“Then learn to love her,”

“I love someone else,”


“How did you know?”

“I was investigating you the whole time son,”

“Dad, I want Candice, not Stacey,”

“We’ve already agreed with Mr. Amerson about the engagement,”

“Cancel it,”

 “I can’t,”

“Fuck it all! It’s just a stupid business agreement! It’s not important after all!”

“Jason, this is the only way to our company’s high goods, it also help our family” He’s voice became louder. I don’t care.

“For you it’s just simple, but for me…it’s hard. Company is just company, but love, it can be more than love. You, you don’t care what the matter means. I hate it so much. All I want is to be peaceful in my life!”

“Jason, you shouldn’t be talking like that. I’m your father, respect me,”

“Me? How could I respect you if you don’t respect me too?”

“Jason don’t be so….urgh!” He was drawing a fist.

“You want to punch me? Then do it!” He loosens his fist. It takes him a minute to decide.

“I love you son. But if this makes you happy…then I’ll do it,”

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t want this family to be in chaos. So my final decision is that I will talk to Mr. Amerson to cancel our agreement and the marriage,”

“Thanks dad,”

“Maybe you’re right. Love can be more than love not like company was still a company,”

“I love you dad,”

“I love you too, son,”

We hugged each other. At last! This problem was done. The last I could do is that I will talk to Candice, and make her mine again. 

Days With Him (SnK, AoT, Riren, Ereri) part 1Where stories live. Discover now