Nya & Jay

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Part 3: Mansion of Water

'I am first in earth. A second in heaven. I appear twice in a week. But you can only see me once in a year. You can also see me in the middle of the sea. What am I?' "What is with this place and riddles" Skylor's frustration was understandable, they had spent the morning in front of the mansion front door mulling over the riddle not even pixal could see the common sense in it right now I wish I had my powers so I could blast it open that it practically running to nya who was sitting down facing the door "nya use my powers" her face of conferment was confusing "electricity isn't the answer, Jay!" her voice drew out my name like you would when trying to make a point "wait... what did you say?" Harumi's voice in the matter came as a surprise what business did she have in this "electricity...?" I wanted to tell her to shut up but the rest of us started to finger out what I was clueless too. "Oh my word... It was that easy" now I wanted to yell 'what was easy' but it seemed as if I wasn't the only one lost for harmui pointed out an E shape a top of the door then I realized, E is the first letter 'in' earth, second in heaven, there is two in the week, only one in a year and there is an E in the middle of the sea. The boy knowing that the next thing was to do was spread out and find it but somehow the girl's had an easier and better way while they looked at us like we were crazy I could see vania hand go out like she was getting ready to fly, looking like she was constipated; a wispy sound came to our ears then it came almost hitting me in my face it stopped right in front of vania face then moved in a straight line to the door taking it to place as ruler "clink" was the sound we heard, one that gave vania a smile as big as her face similar smiles came to the other as well but the smile that was produced by Nya made me smile the great smile out of them all. What wasn't surprising at all was the fact that there was another obstacle, one came in the form of water to be more specific rain... inside the mansion.


"Nya, how do you feel about creating a water umbrella?" unbelievable... out of all the things that could have been inside the mansion, water was one that I would've not expected, then someone had to ask if I could make an umbrella out of water; which I can, but one big enough for all of us no way, I couldn't even make one big enough for the boys; not with jay elemental power getting in the way. But of course, I did have to say it I just gave them my thoughts about the fact, and whoever suggested the fact didn't talk for a while but pixal had an excellent idea which all agreed on. Thus someone had to explain to the boy our plan and the logic behind it "Pixal had been scanning the city and she thinks that it's from a pocket dementia that is somehow connected to the master of lightning so when we rejoin you with your powers and body it will go back to the dementia..." "that's why only nya and jay will go into the mansion while the rest of us get to the desty beauty and prepare." I usually didn't like when someone cuts in, but at this moment I was thankful that pixal did; for somehow it felt as if vaina or Harumi suggested it there would be a fight and a lot of why's. It wasn't even a second before we were in separate groups, jay waiting at the door for me, 'See you guys' was the goodbye we got but I was happy because it was hopeful, and though it didn't seem like it I felt as if I was walking the halls of change.


I was happy when Nya and I had to break off from the rest. It would give us time to talk because I knew she was avoiding the fact. "I have a question?" "you just asked one" she was smirking.. and sassy just like he remembered her, but I had to ignore my deep desire to give her a comeback "no really I have a question? And you have to answer it truthfully" though she was still smirking, her eyes became serious "why did you come to us when you... reformed?"


I stopped, why would he ask me such a question? I mean yes of course he would ask it but now, right now; in the whole existence of time right now is not the time to be asked. And yet I wanted to answer but the thing is, I didn't remember them until well over 5 months and I didn't even remember him until we got into this situation but was I going to tell him that? NO, I mean this is my yang; the man that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. it was clear I had loved him once. I can feel his love but where is my love? "Hey, you don't have to answer it right now" he was being kind to me out of love for me, it made me feel guilty. If I could only tell him the truth then he could move on and love someone else like he loved me and be returned to that love. "Do you want to hear a joke?" "I'm not in the mood Jay" now this was a familiar emotion.


She was never in the mood for my jokes "come on it will make you laugh" I think she tried to hide her eye roll but I still saw it and knew that she would hear it "okay... When does it rain money?" "I don't know... when?" she acquired taste of my humor "When there is "change" in the weather" it took a minute for her to figure it out but when she did a laugh from my memory emerged and took place on her lips, I had waited a long time to hear her laugh again but this was worth it; her laugh was worth it.

"Well, here we are" here being the top of the highest tower the final place to look if my body wasn't here they would be in so much trouble. Opening the door as if a skeleton would jump out. But what we found was a room, a simple room with a simple bed in the middle and thank the stars that my body was in that bed "so that's what I look like sleeping... what next?" we were on the opposite side of my body she seemed to be thinking and didn't hear me but I was jealous of the look she gave the body I wished that she would look at me that way "i guess you lie in your body while i transfer your powers back... harmui said that your power were the glue that would keep you together" I think I understood her but all I was here was something about glue in my body also to lie in my body which, to be honest, felt weird;why? Not a clue but when I did a warm feeling started at my feet then went to my legs and up my torso, when it filled my whole body; it gathered around my heart. it felt like the first time I had met nya, it never really left; I just got colder; maybe it did work. Getting up I started to look for nya she was gone...had I been dreaming this whole time was nya still dead, Lloyd was right I needed help. But could I have been dreaming this whole time? I mean she seemed so real. Not knowing why I yelled for her my worst fear was creeping in 'she was really dead' "NYA... please don't leave me again" "I was just recharging" her voice "see, I'm fine" turning I knew she wasn't fine she was glass-like before, like the tears forming in my eyes. "See see I'm fine" she changed back, kneeling by me she was kissable, "all I had wanted when you die was kiss you again" I didn't intend to speak that out loud but she was shocked that I did, I was shocked. But what I didn't note's was that she was slowly leaning in like she wanted to kiss me just as much "whumpf" oh no, pixal was right; the city was going back to where it was from "we need to go right now" and we did with nya in the lead; holding my hand.

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