Chapter Three - Regret

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What have I done? What have I done? I broke her heart

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What have I done? What have I done? I broke her heart. No, broke is an understatement. I shattered it. She was what kept me going every day. She was my light. She was my everything. I wanted to assassinate my mother and father as much as she did. How could I betray her like that? How could I betray all of them like that?

The thoughts were zooming through my head as I marched back to the castle.

I couldn't fathom what I had just done. They trusted me. And I tossed them away like a banana peel. I am being dunked into my own guilt, over and over again.

I was madly in love with her. I was torn over the decision of betraying her or going ahead with the assassination plan because of her. She trusted me with her goddamn life. And I just obliterated all that trust. I ruined our relationship. I ruined everything. Why Ace? Why were you so stupid? So ludicrous? So heartless. The words that had escaped my mouth were disgusting. Absolutely revolting. Bringing her family up? Her family? God Ace, you are so senseless.

I reached the castle. Limping through the big doors. I had purposely let Victoria go, I couldn't comprehend taking her into custody and eventually going to her execution. I love her too much.

My father took one look at me and curled his lip in disgust. My mother, however, rushed to my side. She cradled me in her arms, but I immediately shoved her off. I didn't want anyone's pity. I didn't want her soothing words. I wanted nothing to do with this ignorant family. They destroyed my life. They tore it into pieces and dangled those pieces in front of me.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" My mother whispered to me. Her crystal blue eyes were searching through my emotionless expression.

"She got away. Are you happy now? I did your dirty work, and you tore my life into pieces." I stood up and let my mother take in those words.

I walked over to the medical wing so I could get my leg checked out before I headed to bed. I was stuck with my family no matter what now. The Sinister Seven would never let me back in. I was trapped.

I limped into the medical wing and was greeted by Madeline. She had been one of my closest friends. She knew about everything that was going on.

"Hey, Ace! How'd everything go?" She asked, her back was turned to me but I could sense that she had a cheeky smile on her face. Seriously not the time, but her smiles always made me feel a bit better.

"Terrible. She got away. Well really, I let her go. I couldn't comprehend the fact that I would eventually have to watch her be tortured or worse die. I really wish I never went through with my Father's plan." My feet clipped against the tiles as I walked over to the cot stationed on the right side of the room.

I kicked my shoes off and laid down. I tucked my hands under my head and stared up at the white ceiling. My thoughts were so jumbled up, I didn't think they'd ever be solved.

"Oh. Well, at least you didn't capture her. I mean it was sad and all... but it had to be done. You had to go through with your father's plans, you knew the consequences." She grabbed an ice pack and a couple of bandages. As she walked over to me, I couldn't help but admire her. She had long strawberry blond hair that reached down to her lower back. She had freckles covering almost every part of her face and bright green eyes. She was beautiful. Her green eyes reminded me of Victoria's...

I averted my eyes.

How could I think like that? I mean sure, Madeline was very attractive, but Victoria topped her any day. Madeline had been my friend since I was five. I couldn't fall for my childhood best friend. Not after Victoria came into my life. Madeline did everything with me. She cleaned up my scraped knee after I ran a little too frantically away from the ducks down at the pond. She baked cupcakes with me and even danced with me to my favourite songs in the ballroom.

I stared back at the ceiling.

"Yeah... I guess you're right." I mumbled. She grabbed another pillow and placed it under my leg. She placed the ice pack directly on my calf. Exactly where Victoria had kicked me.

This caught my attention. How did she know I had been hit in that exact spot? I didn't even mention being kicked in my knee. I did limp... but that could've been any injury. She walked away, humming to herself as she packed away some medical supplies.

"Madeline?" She turned around and looked at me bewildered.

"Yeah?" I stared at her, observing her every movement. A bead of sweat rolled down her cheek.

"How did you know I had been hit directly under my knee? I didn't mention anything about it? Besides from me limping... you couldn't have guessed. Did you?" I said in a stern voice.

She turned around and mumbled something under her breath.

"Fine. You caught me."

"What do you mean?"

"I followed you and Victoria into the back alleyway. Your father told me too. He told me to make sure you fulfilled the duty you were given. That's how I saw her kick you and make a run for it. But... you're my best friend, so even if you tried to do anything, I wouldn't say a word. I told him Victoria got away, and you had been injured in the process."

I was in disbelief. How did I not notice her following me? I was probably too busy in Victoria to even muster up the thought of guards trailing behind me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Madeline waved her hand in my direction to stop me.

"I should've said something... but I felt as if you would think I betrayed you."

"You didn't. You saved me."

She turned around and gave me a small smile before returning to organising the cabinets in the medical wing.

I didn't say anything after, I liked this solemn silence. It gave me time to dwell on my actions.

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