Chapter Five - Hurt

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I had fallen asleep on the hospital bed

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I had fallen asleep on the hospital bed. I opened my eyes slowly, remembering where I was and what had happened last night. I pushed myself up onto my elbows. The ice under my knee had melted and my pants were drenched in icy water.

I dragged a hand through my hair. My eyes were adjusting to the light when I saw her.

Madeline had fallen asleep on the bed next to me. Last night, that bed was tucked away in the further left corner of the medical wing. However, now it had been pushed directly next to mine. Her hand was draped over my waist. Her strawberry blonde hair was a mess, but she looked peaceful.

I peeled her hand off my waist and jumped off the bed. I slid my shoes back on and walked out of the room.

Why had Madeline been so close to me? There were several beds much further away from me. Maybe she just wanted to make sure I was alright?

I pushed the thoughts away as I entered the main ballroom again. My mother and father were nowhere to be seen. I sat down at one of the ballroom tables and held my head in my hands, gently rubbing my temples.

What have I done? What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?

What have I done? What have I done? I've messed up. Badly.

Victoria. Oh, poor Victoria.

Should I call her? Should I go back to HQ? They'd never forgive me. They'd never trust me again. My entire reputation with them was just crushed. The security they had was insane, they had obviously known what I was doing because they had dispersed before I could warn them the guards were coming to escort them to their death.

It made me want to scream, shout, cry. But I sat there silently.

After a couple of minutes of pure torture, I got up and strode back into the main hallway. I was making my way to the grand stairwell when I heard muffled yells coming from a room down the hallway. I know I shouldn't meddle in their private conversations, especially with what had just happened, but I couldn't help myself.

I tiptoed to their door and pressed my ear firmly against the door.

"He's our son Silas. You can't do that to him, not after last night." My mother said sternly.

She was never one to shout. Not even at our bastard father.

"I don't care what you say, Amelia. It has to be done. He isn't worthy of the crown, he's a disappointment. He couldn't even fulfil one duty! Not even one! While Kai has taken down bandit after bandit. This is my final decision, and you have no say in it." I heard a few footsteps and then a door flinging open and slamming shut.

Quiet steps were coming towards the door. I hurried off back to the elevator bay. I took the closest one and jabbed the button. The elevator flew up and I tried my best to stay up straight.

Once I reached my floor, I ran to a random room and slammed the door shut. I leaned against it. My entire body went numb.

Of course, I knew this would happen. The consequence was that I wouldn't become King when my father died. Of course, my golden brother Kai would take the crown. He was as lethal as my parents. He would treat our people even worse. Our city would crumble within months. How would I ever help the Sinister Seven again? How would I ever help Victoria again?

The sob that escaped my mouth was loud. I covered my mouth and silently wept. I felt pathetic. What I had done was ludicrous. I had just jeopardized the future of Elisora.

I fell onto the floor. I curled up into a tight ball and sobbed. I sobbed and sobbed until my head began pounding. I ignored the pain and clenched my fists.

Victoria. My light. My girl. My everything.

She was all I could think about. Every single moment we had, had just been smothered. She was brave, confident, and beautiful. She was mine. And I had just broken her yet again. She helped me through everything. She cleaned up my wounds, she cheered me up, she held me tight when no one else could. She was the highlight of my life.

I slowly stood up and walked over to my balcony. I threw open the doors and stared out at the horizon. The sun was just rising, the sky was a faint orange. I turned my head to look at the forest just outside of the city boundaries.

It brought back so many unwanted memories.

Victoria and I under the big willow tree having a picnic. Victoria and I carving our initials into that same willow tree. Victoria and I dashing through the field of daisies in the beginning of Spring.

My knees buckled underneath me.

Just remembering her face made me want to launch myself off the balcony and let the darkness finally swallow me.

I shoved myself into the corner of the balcony and brought my knees up to my face. I sobbed into my knees.

I felt like I was suffocating. I felt like I was dying.

We could've had it all.

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