Chapter Thirty Eight - We're a thing

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My eyes slowly adjusted to the morning sunlight pooling in

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My eyes slowly adjusted to the morning sunlight pooling in. Ace was laying on my stomach, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was even.

He looked so beautiful.

I smiled. I pulled my hand out from under him and started playing with his hair. He stirred, groggily opening his eyes. His hands wrapped around me tighter as he sighed.

"Morning sleepy head." I whispered.

He looked at me, blinking a couple times. He smiled, one of those adorable sleepy smiles.

"Good morning sweetheart." He propped himself up on his elbows and gave me a slow forehead kiss. I relished the feeling of his lips on my head.

He pulled back and stared at me for a while. He grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it in his fingers, not taking his eyes off mine even for a second.

"What are you thinking about?" I traced his jaw with my finger, slowly bringing it down toward his neck.

"You. How beautiful you are. How strong you are. How powerful you are."

Before I could process what he just said, he rolled off me, sat up against the headboard and pulled me onto his lap. I gasped but got comfortable and began playing with his hair once again.

"Really?" I murmured.


I leaned forward and rested my brow against his shoulder. "How are your arms sweetheart?"

"Mm, they're alright. I should probably stitch them up though. Do you think Madeline's still here?"

"Doubt she left. We need to see Kai's condition too, as much as I would love to stay here with you..." He trailed off, but I knew what he was trying to say.

"It's okay Ace, we can talk about every single detail about us later, let's go check on the others first though. You have a toothbrush, right?"

He nodded, his hands rubbed up and down my back. Then his hands found my butt, he smirked and lifted me up. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he carried me to the bathroom. He put me down, I started searching for our toothbrushes and toothpaste while he looked for some toothpaste.

We eventually found everything we needed and started brushing our teeth. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, so I was standing in between his legs and one of his arms was around my waist.

I stared at the two of us in the mirror. I love him.

We continued brushing our teeth, I occasionally turned around to wipe a bit of toothpaste that came onto the corner of Ace's mouth.

Once we were finished, we stared into the mirror for a couple minutes. I was admiring his every feature. His jaw, his cheekbone, his tattoos, his hair, his eyes.

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