Antonio's Gift Ceremony

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The lane to the Madrigal's were filled with people with carts as well as candles that were lit. It was a beautiful scene for the grays of night, children chattering as they hopped on their carts which were dragged by their parents and family. Holding crackling lusis with a smile.

The [L/n] family were heading as well, being invited, ofcourse, they were coming with the crowd. With so many people off to the party, this ceremony seemed legit.

[Y/n] had little [S/n] in her arms, she was dressed in red like earlier but it was more flowery and wavy. Silk and soft long cotton skirt, white shirt and the signature red bandana on her head. You could say she and Dolores were matching, except for the yellow embroideries that were completely missing.

Beside her was her Papa, waving to towns people he seemed to have befriended.

Right infront of the residence were Luisa and Camilo, greeting and organizing the guest. Mr. [L/n] went ahead and shook Luisa's hand, thanking her for what she has done for them before.

Along with Dolores, there was Luisa who helped them out of the forest. Their horse ended up stuck on the hard roots of a tree that they couldn't help take it off. Afraid they would hurt poor Manito. Luisa, being the strongest, was luckily there to save him as well as the [L/n] family.

Luisa only smiled and told him not to sweat it.

"[Y/n]! Oh- and mr. [L/n]." Camilo soon greeted us. It wasn't really his usual greeting, not really shapeshifting into anything between the filipina or the older filipino. He genuinely looked worried.. of something?

[Y/n] rose a brow at him, confused at his behavior. But she guessed her dad was generally intimidating, even if he looked younger than his age. The man's dead stare could kill.

"Everything alright, Camilo?" "Oh- yeah, yup, everything fine Her-.. [Y/n]!" He was stumbling on his words too, he was nervous. Of her of her father? Mr. [L/n] paid no mind of his behavior, only patting a hand on his daughter's shoulder while taking baby [S/n] away and off inside.

"I'll see you inside Papa!" [Y/n] soon looked back to Camilo who was already looking at her. Baffled by the sudden eye contact, he looked away. Stammering as he had his hand on his face, maybe hiding a big goofy embarrassed smile or a very red tomato face. Or both.

"Camilo, you seem tense. If you feel tired why not leave it all to Luisa and get some rest inside." The filipina told him, as she slipped a hand on his stiff vacant one. Giving it a squeeze as a form of comfort.

Though he was a stranger, she felt like he could trust him. He was the brother of her Encanto Bestfriend, so what was there to distrust about him. All he was was just a kid, a teen her age whose trying to live his life to its fullest and be useful in his own way.

But he really seemed nervous, but what for? He was avoiding eye contact at all cost, a familiar habit that the filipina obviously knew. Maybe. She has to know right? Since she was literally doing it like a few hours ago, to him too?

Everything seemed to flip, unlike earlier, [Y/n] seemed to be able to look at him eye to eye but now it was Camilo's turn to avoid eye contact. "Camilo?"

"Huh- oh yeah, nah, am good." He said with a warm smile, giving her hand a soft pat he somewhat looked down at her. "You can go ahead inside, I can still handle it." The girl could only sigh, letting his behavior slip as she waved good bye to him to follow close behind her father.

Their holding hands slowly slipped off of eachother.

Though the nervous stuttering, looking pass from it, he was actually tensed. True nervousness for his own brother, not just some flustered behavior. The last gift giving ceremony didn't end well. Mirabel didn't.. if he didnt get one, his brother, he'd be relieved as well since the kid wouldn't be pressured with the unexpected. But Antonio being pushed away, he didn't wanted that crushed feeling for the kid.

Antonio is just a kid. Everything needed to be perfect, for his Mami and his family.

But he couldn't help but smile, not even some silly habit could hide away his tense form from the female [L/n]. She was someone he could trust. Even if he only met her once, from the first time he saw her eyes that were filled with wonder and want of understanding. He knew she was a kind and caring soul.

And a weirdo fantasy nerd for sure.

He continued to greet the upcoming guests.

The inside was lively as ever, filled with people and the aroma of savoring feeds. Decked out with more flowers and loud music.

Everyone talked amongst their own groups, some were dancing. Even Isabella who was dancing and throwing away flower crowns to guests.

Casita helped amongst the crowd, moving various of furniture or harmlessly playing with children who were about to go after the manifested door that glowed on the second floor.

But soon the ceremony began, with abuela Madrigal next to the magical door with a candle. The candle had many glowing designs, it was swerving with magic and everyone knew and felt it.

Everyone soon made way and stood on the side quietly. Right near the entrance of the casita, was Antonio Madrigal. The youngest of the Madrigal family. The light was on him, every eyes watched him.

The small child only stood there with a nervous expression. He was scared, maybe even terrified. But he lend out a hand to someone from the side. He was calling out to Mirabel who was reluctant to come with him.

Off to the side [Y/n] watched beside her father. Worry stricked her face, the kid didn't budge even when casita tried to push him forward. She could only watch with a tight hold on her own skirt. If last time didn't end well, what if it could happen again, but even worser.

Before she knew it, a hand clasped hers as a familiar warmth caught her attention. She didn't make a move to see who it was at all, there was more things to worry about than some foolish hand holding by a cute boy.

What they both needed was reassurance and comfort. [Y/n] gave his hand a soft squeeze, returning the favor.

They were both worried for Antonio and Mirabel. Though they were all strangers to [Y/n] and her family, they were human. They were people who let them in even if they were travelers who traveled from far distances.

Encanto was close to what home is for her, so if ever there was someone crying out for anyone. She'll be there, to return the favor, even if there wasn't any favor at all. She wanted to help as much as they all did to her family.

She couldn't help but smile as Antonio and Mirabel made their way to abuela, to the door. Hand in hand as they bravely strutted up the candled stairs. And to the candle of miracle where they both promised, where Antonio promised to use his gift for good and help Encanto. And Mirabel,, will help save Encanto. Well the miracle, but it's still the same.

The crowd moved closer to the stairs as Antonio hesitantly put a hand on the door knob.

[Y/n] was dragged closer with the Madrigals in the front, but her father had a hand on her shoulder. They all felt connected now, everyone in Encanto.

The young Madrigal finally grabbed the doorknob, and the door, it solidified. Its markings and glowing details, it showed a design of Antonio and many animals.

A toucan perched itself on little tonio's arm, chirping as if to communicate with him. Everyone stood in amazement as Antonio finally got his gift, a true animal whisperer. The crowd went shambles, cheering and shouting that Dolores had to put her hands on her ears.

[Y/n] slipped her hands off of Camilo's who cheered aswell, snapping his fingers. [Y/n] went and aided Dolores. She can't have her bestie go deaf. They went to a secluded room that was luckily sound proof.

They'll come back outside to join the rest of the people when the loud crowd decreases outside.

Though they're missing the fun for a few minutes, atleast they got to talk to eachother more and chat about Encanto's secrets like how someone in the crowd had a crush on [Y/n], which she was embarrassed about but didn't mind it.

She wasn't really trying to find love, friends maybe. But if she's ever thrown with love and affection romantically, how could she say no to a chance?

( Chance to get killed by her dad lmao- dejoke )

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