Hawks x Quirkless!Reader | Let Me Be Your Wings

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Summary: You were born without a quirk, and your mother is extremely overprotective of you. However, one night, you meet a man who can help you see the world.

A/N: Based on the movie Thumbelina. Also, the first song is Soon from Thumbelina. If you want to listen to it whilst you read, look it up since I couldn't put a second YouTube video.

Your mother closed the door behind her, the fairytale book she had just finished reading from still open on your beside table.

You quietly rose from your bed, standing and leaning the book against your lamp. You curtseyed playfully to the prince drawn in the book.

Sighing, you fiddled with the skirt of your dress.

"I know there's someone."



"Who's sure to find me."


You walked towards your mirror, dancing gracefully as you watched your reflection.

"After the rain goes."

"There are rainbows."

You turned back to the book, gazing at the drawing of the prince.

"I'll find my rainbow."


Hero, your dog, hopped up onto your bed, curling into a ball as he seemed to listen to you sing.

"Soon it won't be just pretend."

"Soon a happy ending."

"Love, can you hear me?"

"If you're near me."

"Sing your song."

You wrapped your arms around yourself in a hug.

"Sure and strong and..."


You gently picked the book up, brushing you fingers over the drawing. Bringing your hand to your face, you gently kissed the tips of your index and middle finger, before bringing them back down to brush them over the cheek of the prince.

Setting the book back down, you sat on your bed, gently petting Hero's head.

"If only Mother would let me off of this farm," you sighed.


Little did you know that a certain man with scarlet-colored wings was listening to you as you humming to yourself, twirling around your room.

This wasn't the first time Hawks had listened to you sing. Sure, he had never actually talked to you. He just enjoyed listening to your melodic voice.

Of course it seemed a bit creepy to hover outside some random girl's window, listening to her sing and watching her, but he knew no one could see him. He was always careful.

This time, however, he didn't realize the window was open as he leaned on it. And it just so happened that the window opened inwards.

Suddenly, he fell through the window and straight into your room, landing on his back with a gruff oof.

You quickly turned to the source of the sound, and your eyes widened at the sight of the feathery man who was now attempting to pick himself up off of the ground. He rubbed the back of his head, groaning, before making eye contact with you.

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