Peter Parker x Reader | Everybody Talks

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Summary: You and Peter are bored at his apartment, so you decide to start listening to music, which leads to an unexpected confession.

A/N: Italics= you, bold=Peter, italics + bold= both.

A deep, dramatic sigh escaped your lips as you laid on Peter's bottom bunk. It was another rainy Saturday when the pair of you had absolutely nothing to do. You had been friends with Peter since diapers, practically joined at the hip, and you had made it a tradition to spend every other Saturday at one of your houses.

It always ended up being fun, but it was rainy days like this that made you have to search a little more to find where the fun was. You had already gone through at least 5 rounds of every single board or card game in the apartment, every single puzzle laid completed in random spots on the floor or any flat surface, and you had already spent hours surfing channels on the TV for anything interesting to watch.

It had started raining while you were walking to Peter's place from yours, and beginning the absolute sweetheart he is, the boy let you borrow one of his sweatshirts. The feeling of the warm garment against your cold skin made your heart flutter. It even smelled like him. You had had a crush on Peter since 4th grade, but you were WAY too afraid to tell him. I mean, the boy is too adorable for his own good. You felt like there was no way he would settle for someone like you.

"Peeeettttteeeeeyyyy," you whined, sliding off the bed and onto the floor.

The boy in question was already on the ground, messing with his web shooters absent-mindedly before your voice made him look up with a smirk, knowing how he was going to respond immediately.

"YYYYYY///////NNNNNNNN," he mocked, making you pick up a pillow next to your head and smack him with it.

Peter laughed at you as you pouted at him angrily, "Don't mock me!"

"I can't help it!" he admitted as he continued to laugh.

You rolled your eyes as you huffed, crossing your arms and turning your head away from him.

"Awww, come on. Don't be like that," he chuckled as he grabbed your arm, but you just ripped it away from his grip.

"Y/N, come on! You know I hate the silent treatment," he whined as he latched onto your arm like a monkey.

"No. You were mean to me. Now, I'm mad at you," you huffed as you tried to pull your arm from his hold, but you weren't strong enough.

Damn his super spidey strength.

"Hey, why don't we listen to some music?" Peter said out of the blue, "I still have that playlist we made like 3 years ago."

You remembered that day well. You were in 8th grade and, as a matter of fact, it was also a rainy Saturday. Once again, you were both bored and decided to make a playlist full of songs you both loved to listen to. You took turns adding songs, most of them being popular songs from the early 2000s, then had a full out jam session for around 2 hours with said playlist on full blast until Aunt May told you to turn it down because the neighbors complained.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot about that thing," you commented, sitting up from your position on the floor, "It's like we listened to it once then left it to rot."

"For real," Peter laughed as he got up off the floor.

He began to dig through some of the drawers in his desk, presumably searching for the old MP3 player you made the playlist on. Meanwhile, you hopped up as well to grab Pete's old speaker and cable.

"Aha!" Peter suddenly exclaimed, making you jump and turn around, only to see him holding up the dusty blue MP3 player with an adorable, dorky smile on his face.

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