Lin- Manuel Miranda x Reader | Angel of Music

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Summary: Lin is preparing for a show at the Fox Theatre when he hears someone singing a familiar song on stage. That someone just so happens to be you.

Lin was walking around the backstage of the Fox Theater, admiring the beauty of the space. It truly was a gorgeous theater. Suddenly, heard quiet humming coming from the stage along with the sound of a broom hitting the ground.

Eventually, that humming turned into singing.

"Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye."

He recognized the song immediately. It was 'Think of Me' from The Phantom of the Opera.

"Remember me, once in a while. Please promise me you'll try."

"Wow" he whispered, enamored by the beautiful voice.

"When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free."

"If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me."

He peaked through the curtain, curious about the source of the voice. He gasped when he saw her. It was a beautiful girl, dressed in a baby blue dress, which reminded him of Cinderella, who was sweeping the stage.

He listened as she vocalized the next notes before sighing and looking out to the empty seats of the audience. She smiled, looking vaguely sad, before twirling, her dress billowing like waves around her body.

"We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea."

"But if you can still remember, stop and think of me."

Even though she was still smiling, Lin saw the tears that flowed down her cheeks, and frowned. What was she thinking about? What memories did this song hold for her?

"Think of all the things we've shared and seen."

"Don't think about the way things might have been."

She halted in her sweeping once more, looking up to the balcony. She quickly wiped her tears away, putting back on a smile.

"Think of me, think of me waking. Silent and resigned."

"Imagine me trying too hard to put you from my mind."

She set the broom down, hugging her arms tightly. Tears began to resurface as she seemed to be reminiscing.

"Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do."

"What happened to her?" Lin whispered to himself.

He found himself worrying for the girl, even though her knew nothing about her. All he knew was that she definitely had emotions tied to this song. He felt like her could see memories flashing over her glossy e/c eyes.

She looked out to the 'audience' once again.

"There will never be a day when I won't think of you."

She looked to her hands before gripping them tightly into fists. She looked up again, a determined smile now painting her rosy-pink lips.

"Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade. They have their season so do we."

"But please promise me that sometimes you will think..."

She sang out the warblely notes.

"OF ME!!!!!!."

The girl stood on the stage, breathing deeply. She looked to her hands, bringing them to her throat. She let out a sob, collapsing to knees as she cried into her hands.

She let out a shriek as she heard clapping coming from the backstage area.

"Bravo!" Lin said, applauding loudly for the girl.

"I-I-um," she stuttered, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that anyone was here."

Lin's eyes were still wide, mouth slightly agape, "Don't apologize. That was absolutely beautiful! Where did you learn to sing like that?"

"I-uh-I used to sing in musicals. In this very theater actually. The last show I did was Phantom of the Opera," she said, rubbing her arms shyly.

"Used to?" Lin asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Um-I- I had a really bad experience with one of the other cast members in Phantom, and they threatened me. They said that if I ever performed again they would make sure I regretted it," she whimpered, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill.

Lin frowned, "What's your name?"

"(y/n), (y/n) (l/n)," she said, hoping he didn't recognize her.

To her dismay, he did. He had seen some of her performances, and always thought she was an amazing actress and singer. He had always wondered why she stopped performing, and now he had his answer.

He reached out his hand, "Lin, Lin-Manuel Miranda."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she shook his hand, "You wrote the musical that's going to be performed here, right? I have to say, I love your compositions. I can hardly ever get the soundtrack out of my head."

The pair laughed before Lin spoke, "Yes, that would be me. I am honored that the infamous (y/n) (l/n) enjoys my musicals."

"Enjoy?" She laughed, "You should have been here yesterday. Instead of 'Think of Me,' I was in here by myself belting out 'Satisfied."

"I would have loved to hear that," Lin mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

(Y/n) blushed, looking back down to her hands, "Well-um- I work here at the Fox now, and I'm here every night. Maybe you'd want to meet up again sometime."

Lin's face lit up, a hopeful smile on his face, "Really? That would be amazing! If-uh-it doesn't take to much of your time, of course."

(Y/n) giggled, tucking a lock of h/c hair behind her ear, "No, I'd love to. I miss being on stage so much. It'd would be wonderful to sing for someone again."

She looked out to the seats of the audience, a sad smile on her face. The experience she had during her previous performance terrified her, but she also longed to be on stage again. Musical theater was what she always loved, and it destroyed her to let it go.

Lin smiled at her sympathetically, placing a hand on her forearm, "Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll find the courage to perform again. I missed hearing you in different productions. Whenever I saw that you would be in a show, I knew I had to see it just to hear your voice."

(Y/n)'s face turned a bright red as she looked down at the stage beneath her feet, a shy smile blossoming on her s/t face, "Maybe someday."

She perked up, a bright smile on her lips as she grabbed a purple gel pen from the pocket of her dress. She gently took Lin's hand, writing her number on the back of it, not noticing the blush that invaded Lin's cheeks at her touch.

She let go of his hand, putting the pen back in her pocket, "I gotta go, but, I'll see you tomorrow. If something comes up, just text me."

Lin felt her smile becoming contagious as he waved at her figure. She walked backwards and waved before turning around and rushing backstage to grab her things and rushing out the door.

Lin looked down at the back of his hand. He saw that, not only did she write down her number, but she add a little heart next to it. He smiled, lightly tracing the letters with his finger before grabbing his phone.

Once he made sure the number was correct, he wrote the contact name 'Angel of Music 🎶 🎭'

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