Lin-Manuel Miranda x Broadway Actress!Reader | Stage Where It Happens Pt. 3

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Summary: It's been a few years since Lin and you first performed together, and he has a surprise for you during 'Helpless.'

A/N: This part was inspired by a fic written by NYQUTIE on Quotev.

'Another day, another show,' you sighed happily as you twirled on stage.

It had been about four years since your first night as a part of the Hamilton cast, and you were having the time of your life. Performing with the love of your life and people you saw as closer than family was what truly made you happy.

It was currently time for one of your favorite songs in the whole musical, the one where you and Lin first confessed your love for each other, 'Helpless'.

You did notice something, however. Lin seemed even more nervous than the first time the two of you performed this song. You noticed him constantly putting his hand on the pocket of his jacket, as if to make sure something was still there.

You shrugged it off, deciding to focus on the performance.


'Helpless' was coming towards its end, and Renée had just put the veil on your head. As you and the other 'Schuyler Sisters' walked down the 'aisle,' the music slowly came to a stop.

The crowd began murmuring amongst themselves, but the cast didn't seem bothered at all, you were the only one who didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, the spotlight shone onto Lin as he took a mic and spoke. "Don't worry, everyone. There is nothing to be worried about."

The crowd became quieter, but you were still confused. You looked to Renée and Jasmine who just smirked at you, nodding there heads in Lin's direction.

"I had something really important I wanted to say before we continue with the show. So, as you probably know, most of the time for musicals, you audition for a role and have a chance at getting cast. This was the situation for pretty much everyone in the musical," Lin explained.

"However, there is one person on this stage who I asked specifically to be in this show. I had never met her before, but I had a huge, and I mean HUGE celebrity crush on this actress," the crowd laughed, but you just stared.

"I wanted to ask a certain Schuyler Sister to step forward. Eliza, mi amor," He said, looking to you with a smile and offering his hand.

Raising an eyebrow, you took a few steps towards Lin, placing your hand in his as the audience applauded loudly, "Lin, what's going on?"

The cast and crew snickered as Lin gently pulled you towards him, "(y/n), I never told you that I had the biggest crush on you before I even met you. That was the reason we had never practiced 'Helpless' before that first opening night, I was way too fuckin' nervous," the crowd laughed, making you giggle as well.

"But, as soon as I danced with you, sang with you, acted with you, I knew that you were more than just an amazing actress. You were a beautiful, kind, talented, passionate woman. I fell in love with you faster than I even thought possible. From the very first notes of 'Helpless,' I was head over heels for you. You truly are the Eliza of always dreamed of, but not just for my Hamilton, but for me."

You felt tears well up in your eyes as you fanned your face, "God, I can't cry. We still have a show to do and I can't ruin my makeup," Lin, the cast, and the audience burst out laughing.

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