James Potter x Reader | A Love-Sick Stag

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Summary: James has had a crush on you for years, and you like him too. He's just always too nervous to talk to you. Little does he know you feel the same way about him.

You were lying on your stomach, chessboard in front of you as you strategically moved the pieces. Lily, your best friend, watched your plays carefully, formulating her counter attack.

You were so focused on the game that you didn't even notice another pair of eyes on you. James stared at you longingly from his spot on the other side of the common room as Sirius blabbered on about something he couldn't care any less about.

James had been smitten with you since first year. He saw you on the Hogwarts Express, happily chatting with Lily, and he thought his heart would beat out of his chest. When you laughed at something Lily had said, he couldn't resist the light blush that bloomed on his cheeks.

Yeah, the poor boy had it down bad.

"Prongs, you listening to me, mate?" Sirius asked as he noticed the boy's dazed expression.

He knocked on the side of James's head, "Helllooooo. Anybody home?"

James quickly swatting his hand away, but not looking away from you, "Shove off, Pads."

Sirius followed his best friend's line of sight, and rolled his eyes dramatically when he saw that, like always, James was staring at you.

"Prongs, I swear to Merlin, if you don't either ask her out, or stop pining after her, I will ask her out for you."

James turned for a moment to glare at Sirius, before turning his head back in your direction.

As you moved one of your pawns, you heard Lily giggle, making you look up at her with a raised brow, "Something funny, Lils?"

Lily smirked, jutting her head towards the place where the two boys sat, "Seems you've got an admirer."

You furrowed your brows, tilting your head in confusion, before turning to look at what the heck Lily was on about.

You were met with a pair of hazel eyes gazing back into yours, and James jumped slightly, his cheeks turning rosy, before looking away.

You bit your bottom lip to try and suppress your smile as you turned back to the Wizard's Chessboard.

Lily sighed dramatically, shaking her head, "I swear, you two are so in love with each other, yet neither of you want to admit it to yourselves or each other."

You cheeks turn red as you looked down at the floor, "I'm not afraid to admit it to myself, or even you, but telling him is a whole other scenario."

Lily placed her hand over yours that was resting on the ground, "Just tell him, N/N. He's head over heels for you."

You shook your head, sighing, "You don't know that, Lily."

"But I do!" Lily interjected, "Literally everyone and their mums knows it except for you. I just don't see how you can't tell he's literally in love with you."

You rolled your eyes, "And I don't see why you believe he's in love with me."

Lily gave you an 'are you serious?' kind of look, before getting up and sitting cross-legged as she counted on her fingers, "He's constantly staring at you like you're the only girl in the universe. He blushes any time you smile, laugh or even look at him. He glares daggers at any boy that has ever tried to talk to you. He gets super shy whenever you smile at him or talk to him, whilst his a huge extrovert with everyone else-"

"Ok, ok!" you interuppted, not wanting to be scolded any longer, "I see your point but, if he likes me as much as you say he does, why has he not made any sort of move?"

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