Tom Holland x Reader | IDK You Yet

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Summary: You upload a cover of IDK You Yet  dedicated to Tom, and he watches it

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Summary: You upload a cover of IDK You Yet  dedicated to Tom, and he watches it.

A/N: This cover is by YuMin Oh on YouTube. ITS SO BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️❤️

Tom was on his couch, scrolling through his YouTube feed. He currently had nothing better to do than just lie around.

Suddenly, a certain video title caught his attention.

I'm a sucker for Tom Holland, so I wanted to sing a song for him.

Out of shear curiosity, he tapped on the video. He waited a moment for it to load, before a pretty young woman, you, popped up on his screen.

"Hey, guys. It's (y/n)," you said, waving to the camera with a small smile.

Tom took a second to admire you. He thought you were beautiful. Your smile was beautiful, your (e/c) eyes shine like stars, and your voice was music to his ears.

"So, any of you who have been watching my videos for a while know I'm an insatiable Marvel fan," you commented, "and if you don't know," you gestured to the Marvel posters, figures, and other memorabilia behind you, "need I say more?"

Tom chuckled.

"But, those who have done a bit more digging would know that I'm completely, and I mean completely and utterly, in love with Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, you name it."

"However, our most recent addition to the Spider-Man actor squad, Thomas Stanley Holland," you gestured to an empty space as a photo of him appeared, and you clutched at your heart, faking a wince, "has immensely stollen my heart."

You sighed, dramatically placing the back of your hand on your forehead, "I mean, how could you not fall for this man???"

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You sighed, dramatically placing the back of your hand on your forehead, "I mean, how could you not fall for this man???"

Tom's cheeks suddenly turned a light pink as he felt his face heating up.

"Anyways, all simping aside, I was listening to Spotify the other day, and a certain song popped up that made me think of this actor," you smiled brightly as you looked away from the camera for a moment.

Tom watched as you pulled a guitar up from off-camera, settling it on your lap.

You smiled up at the camera again, "So, if by some miracle from the Allfather, you're watching this, Tom...this is for you."

~Play the Video~

You laughed softly as you began to strum the strings of the instrument.

"How can you miss someone you've never met?"

Tom's eyes widened slightly, both at the song choice, and your sweet and gentle voice.

"Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"But can you find me soon because I'm in my head."

"Yeah, I need you now but I don't know you yet."

Tom watched as your eyes closed partially, your lips curving into a small smile as you continued to sing.

"'Cause lately it's been hard."

He noticed your smile drop, your eyes glossed over as you seemed to be reminiscing.

"They're sellin' me for parts."

"And I don't wanna be modern art."

"But I only got half a heart..."

"To give..."

"To you."

You leaned your head back as a breath escaped your lips, shaking your head before looking about down to the neck of your guitar.

"How can you miss someone you've never seen?"

"Oh, tell me, are your eyes brown, blue, or green?"

You chuckled softly, Tom's lips twitching to a smile as he watched you.

"And do you like it with sugar and cream?"

"Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?"

Your eyes closed as a soft smile settled on your face, relishing in the calm tune of the music.

"Yeah, lately it's been hard."

"They're sellin' me for parts."

"And I don't wanna be modern art."

"But I only got half a heart to give to you."

"And I hope it's enough."

As you sang the beautiful riff, a secession of photos of Tom appeared in the empty space you gestured to before. Tom smiled bashfully, still slightly in shock that someone would dedicate a whole cover to him.

"How can you miss someone you've never met?"

"'Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"But can you find me soon because I'm in my head?"

"Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

"I need you now, but I don't know you yet."

As the last note of the song died down, you looked to the camera with a smile.

"Thank you for watching," you said softly, holding up a peace sign as the video cut off.

Tom continued to stare at your smiling face for a few moments, before diving down to the description and finding your Twitter.

He followed you, before rushing to send you a DM.

TomHolland1996: How can you miss someone you've never met?

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