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Jade growled as she slammed her fists on her steering wheel. "Of course!" she growled, "Just what we fucking need! Traffic!" She glared ahead at the blinking sign that kept repeating that there was stopped traffic due to an accident, willing it to change. The longer it flashed the same words, the icier her glare got to the point where she was certain she may make the stupid thing burst into flames.

"It's okay Jade. Just calm down."

Jade turned her glare to the person sitting in the passenger seat, her girlfriend of six months Tori Vega. "Calm down?" she burst, "How the fuck can you expect me to calm down? We're stuck in non-moving, four-lane traffic, for who knows how long!" she looked back to the road ahead, setting the cars in her way on fire in her mind. "If the idiot who caused this isn't dead, then I hope he dies in the ambulance!"

"Jade!" Tori gasped, her eyes wide with horror, "That isn't nice to wish on another person. It may not have been anyone's fault."

Jade just simply growled, "Whatever."

Jade had road rage on a good day, but this was something Tori had never seen. She knew it was partially because Jade was already pissed before they set out on the road to the beach. Her dad had started a fight with her before she picked up Tori that morning- one of those screaming death-matches where Jade would nearly kill her father and visa versa. When Jade had arrived at the Vega house, she stormed through the door, frightening Tori's mom half to death when she roared Tori's names upon entering, then slammed the door again behind her just to emphasize the fact that she'd arrived. When Tori had rushed down the stairs, her mom had quickly pulled her aside and asked if Jade's anger would be directed at her at any point. Tori smiled at her mother's concern but shook her head, "Jade and I may fight, but she has never and would never lay a hand on me." Hearing Tori's confidence in that simple statement had calmed Jade a bit, making some of the fire leave her eyes and turn slightly gentle as she gave Tori a smile. Tori's mother didn't seem fully convinced but let the matter drop, ordering Tori to call when they'd arrived. Whatever calm Jade had accomplished between then and now was now fully gone as they drove to their destination. Tori frowned worriedly. She'd wanted to have a nice, simple weekend away with Jade. But now, being stuck in this traffic was going to make Jade's anger blow out of proportion.

For the next few minutes, they sat in silence with Tori worrying and Jade seething. Tori tried to think of a way to snap Jade out of her fury-induced glaring match with the road sign. Music, she knew wouldn't work; Jade would just turn it off. Playing a car game- no, she'd see that as a stupid, childish idea. Tori looked ahead as far as she could. There was no way they were moving any time soon. She knew the longer they sat there, the madder Jade would get. And Tori wasn't willing to let that happen as she did not want to see what Jade was like in full anger-mode. The only anger Tori liked on Jade was jealous/possessive anger. Now THAT was hot! Tori loved when Jade would stake her claim over Tori. Like the other day when they were lounging at Tori's watching a movie on TV and the pizza guy decided to flirt with Tori. He had been very smooth, and Tori was blushing when Jade came over. She was glaring at him as she wrapped her arm around Tori's side and pulled her close. He watched the move with challenging eyes- a big mistake. Jade pressed her lips to Tori in a harsh kiss. Tori could never resist Jade's kisses and simply melted. Jade moved one hand into her hair to hold her in place while her tongue slid into her mouth. As the world around Tori faded, Jade moved her other hand down to cup the front of her jeans roughly. Tori moaned at the pressure against her throbbing, soaking center and uncontrollably thrust into Jade's hand. When Jade pulled away, Tori was panting, and Jade was smirking. The pizza guy just stood there shocked. "Next time, don't flirt with my girlfriend!" Jade growled as she yanked the pizza from him and slammed the door in his face without paying. She tossed the pizza onto the couch and proceeded to shove Tori against the closed door where she dropped to her knees and took her right then. Yah, that kind of anger was most definitely hot. 'Great!' Tori thought to herself as she came out of her memory, 'Now I've got myself all worked up!' Suddenly, Tori knew just how to vanquish Jade's anger.

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