Jade's Secret

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"Fuck, I love how tight you are, Tori." Jade grunts out as she grips the half-Latina's waist, Jade's 7 inch cock going in and out of Tori's tight pussy.

"I love the way you feel inside of me. I love the full feeling." Tori moans out, her right hand going to her clit and rubbing it while her left hand keeps her up.

The two girls simply sigh in pleasure as Jade keeps a tight grip on Tori's waist, and Tori increases her pleasure she's feeling from Jade.

"I'm gonna cum." Both girls sigh out, Jade's pace increasing. "Where do you want it baby?" Jade asks, her pace slowly increasing as she near her orgasm.

"In. I want to feel you cum in my pussy baby." Tori moans out, looking over her left shoulder to smile at Jade.

"You got it baby girl." Jade grunts out, stopping a moment later when she starts to pump Tori's tight hole with her cum.

"Fuck." Jade says, jumping awake when her alarm goes off. "Damn it. I hate when that happens." She groans out as she sits up, seeing her still erect cock and the stream of cum on her chest, stomach, right arm, and her right erect nipple covered in her cum.

"JADELYN! SHUT OFF THAT ACCURSED ALARM!" Jade hears from her father on the floor above, Jade's room being in the basement.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" Jade yells, pushing the 'off' button of her solid black alarm clock, smiling at the blood-red numbers as her alarm song, 'Wake Up' by 'Three Days Grace' plays before getting shut off. "I hate the clean up of the morning after." She sighs out, grabbing the box of tissues she keeps at the side of her bed for situations like this.

After spending a few minutes to clean herself up and throwing the tissues away, Jade heads into her en suite bathroom to shower and change for school.

After taking a ten minute shower and washing off the last of the cum from earlier, she gets out and starts to dry off, wrapping a towel around her as she heads into her room. Grabbing a black lace bra, black boxer briefs, a dark purple tank top, black jean pants, and a dark purple flannel shirt, Jade starts to get dressed, keeping her still wet hair down as she does. After getting dressed, she quickly brushes her hair and grabs a pair of black socks, putting them on before grabbing her school bag, PearPhone, and PearBook, and heading upstairs.

Turning around quickly, Jade heads into the en suite to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth with mouthwash. After she's done, she heads out, grabbing a pair of scissors with a dark purple handle and puts them in her back pocket as she heads back upstairs.

"Don't forget that I have a meeting tonight. I won't be home until after midnight." Jade's father tells her, not looking away from his PearPad as he goes over something Jade doesn't see.

"Whatever." Jade says, walking past him and out the door, grabbing her keys from the nail by the front door, closing the door as she goes. Unlocking the driver's side door of her solid black Dodge Charger, the same model Dom Toretto had in the first 'Fast And The Furious' movie, and climbing in, She closes the door and puts the key in the ignition and starts her car, the Evanescence song 'Going Under' starting as she does from her PearPod still plugged in from last time she drove.

On the fifteen minute drive to Hollywood Arts, Jade stops by a nearby Skybucks and gets her usual order, a large black coffee with two sugars and an apple turnover. Arriving at school less than five minutes later, Jade climbs out of her car and locks it, making sure her PearPod was hidden from prying eyes.

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