Jade Picks Up Tori

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As the bell rang, signaling the end of Sikowitz's class, Tori remained sitting in the chair claimed by Jade, with the back of the chair on the floor. Earlier, before class had started, the goth had been annoyed with Tori for sitting in that chair. When the singer refused to vacate the seat, Jade slowly pushed the chair backwards and placed it on the floor, so that the singer would be facing the ceiling.

Tori had taken it stride, commenting "This is fun!" and "Look at that cool ceiling!" She was relieved that Jade hadn't just kicked her off the chair or thrown the chair down. Instead, the goth had taken great care to rotate the chair slowly, and as a result, Tori was in fact touched by her thoughtfulness, even though her nemesis was still messing with her.

The girl had decided to remain facing the ceiling for the entire class, which Sikowitz had noticed but not protested after Jade explained it was her punishment for sitting in Jade's chair. The singer didn't mind it too much, since she didn't have to worry about paying attention or going up to the stage. In fact, by the end of the class, Tori was a bit tired and so had decided to close and rest her eyes for a bit.

A few minutes after class had let out, everyone except Tori and Jade had left the room, including Sikowitz, who preferred to let the two girls work this out on their own. Since it was the last class of the day, Tori wanted to keep resting for a bit before finally getting up, as she had gotten relatively comfortable in her seat, despite some soreness in her back, and knew it would be awkward to get up from her weird position.

Jade considered walking out as well, but she decided to check up on Tori to see why she hadn't gotten up yet. The goth stood with her feet close to the singer's head and leaned down with her hands on her knees. She asked in an insistent tone, "Hey Vega, why are you still here?"

Jade's voice caused Tori to open her eyes, and she turned towards it to be greeted by the sight of the girl's combat boots. Tori then looked up until her eyes reached Jade' face, at which point she realized that the other girl had asked her a question.

Tori was still feeling brave after openly defying her nemesis and accepting the resulting mild punishment, so she gave Jade a playful smile before answering, "Oh, I was just resting my eyes a bit. I have to say, Jade, this is a very comfortable chair, so thanks for letting me stay in it!"

The goth was a bit annoyed at Tori for sassing her, so she tried to think of a way to continue tormenting the smirking girl at her feet. She had thought that Tori would eventually right herself and the chair soon after class started, but instead she had steadfastly remained as Jade had left her. Jade could not let Tori win their little game.

Jade then lifted her foot and gently kicked Tori's shoulder with her boot, asking her with a mocking smirk, "I know my chair is great, but do you really like being on the ground this much?"

Tori was relieved that the other girl was still in a playful mood instead of an angry one. The singer gave the girl above her a teasing grin before countering, "I don't mind being on the ground as long as I get a good view!" Her tone bordered on flirty, as she allowed her eyes to travel from Jade's feet to her face.

The goth was a bit taken aback by Tori's response. Jade had made a couple of flirtatious comments to the girl in the past, generally in an attempt to mess with her, but this was the first time that Tori had done the same to her. Nevertheless, despite her surprise, Jade was up to the challenge. She gave the girl a genuine smile and countered in an alluring tone, "Oh really? Well, Tori, if you want to get a better view, you might want to get up!"

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