A Breed Of Her Own

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"Good news for all you Kardashian fans out there. Kim, along with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, will be at the newest Hollywood Hills dog park, signing pictures and meeting fans." A female news caster says, a picture of the Kardashian family showing up on the screen behind her.

"I'm going to the park. Be back later." Trina yells, shutting off the t.v. and running to the door, grabbing her purse and phone on the way.

"Since when do you go out?" Tori asks her sister, walking into the living room from her downstairs music space/office.

"Or even know what a park is?" Jade asks, leaving the door to her office open as she walks past her fiancé and future sister-in-law, heading for the kitchen to get coffee as she works on her new screenplay.

"I know what a park is, Gothy." Trina retorted "And I do go out! I do have a social life after all."

"Being constantly rejected by guys doesn't count?" Jade sneered.

Trina gaped at the insult, as well as sending her sister a 'why did you have to like her?' aggravated stare.

Jade simply turns on the coffee maker. "And I go to parks when Kim Kardashian is going to be there." She says, stealing a pair of Tori's sunglasses and putting them on her head, ignoring Tori's protests. "See ya after I get on the show." She says, closing the door behind her.

"Great. Now the Kardashians are going to get a restraining order against your sister." Jade says, rolling her eyes before laughing.

"What's so funny?" Tori asks, staring at her fiancé, never liking when she laughs with genuine amusement.

"She forgot her keys again." Jade says, chuckling as she heads into her office, pointing out the key ring on the coffee table beside Trina's wallet.

"Let me in!" The couple hear from the other side of the door, pounding fists following suit.

"Just think, Jade." Tori says, grabbing Trina's keys and wallet, heading to the door. "In a few months, she's your sister-in-law." She says, opening the door and giving Trina her keys and wallet. "Be back before dark!" She calls after her sister, not realizing how she sounded more like a mom than a younger sister.

"I'm twenty three, Tori. I can be out as late as I want." Trina counters, climbing into her car.

"Last time you said that, you locked yourself in the car." Tori says, rolling her eyes as she closes and locks the door. "How?, I have no idea. The windows were all down and you were sitting in the flippin' driver's seat. Just push the stupid 'unlock' button." She says, heading back into her music room to work on her next album.

Hollywood Hills Dog Park

I can't believe it! I'm finally going to meet Kim Kardashian, get on her show, and become famous!

As I park at the newly opened dog park, I quickly look around for Kim, spotting her in the center of a group of paparazzi. "Let's do this." I say, getting out of my car and heading towards her, locking my car on the way.

After fighting through the crowd, I push past a paparazzi and run of to Kim, shaking her hand. "Uh, who are you?" Kim asks, staring at me before looking around for help.

"Hi! My names Trina Vega. I'm a huge fan." I say, pulling her into a hug, pressing our breasts together.

"Nice to meet you." Kim says, patting my back before I feel myself being pried off. Looking behind me, I see one of her family's bodyguards holding me around the waist.

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