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chapter thirteen(insatiable)

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chapter thirteen

Sofia marched into the Argent apartment. She heard loud noises coming from his office and moved in that direction. Her gun was aimed forward and ready for fire.

Upon entering the room, Sofia noticed Derek's claws against Argents neck and vice versa with Chris's gun. She moved into the room quickly and held her own gun against Derek's head.

"Let him go," she ordered forcefully.

Derek's wolf face turned slowly towards the girl. She suddenly felt the urge to pull the trigger but fought it as hard as she could. Sofia could physically feel her hand starting to tremble and a burning under her skin.

Suddenly, Derek collapsed to the ground without warning. Sofia looked up at Argent who's face mirrored her own.

"Are you okay?" Argent let out a heavy breath at her question and the two looked down at the unconscious man.

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After a little while, Derek had regained consciousness and himself. The three realized it had been the nogitsune's doing. Sofia and Derek were leaving the apartment when Derek stopped.

"You had a gun pointed at my head. You could've pulled the trigger," he said to Argent. "Why didn't you?"

"Because you're not my enemy anymore, Derek. And I'm not yours," the hunter replied.

"The truth is that we should be out there looking for him. Right now. Especially if he can do something like this," Derek and Sofia continued moving towards the elevator as he spoke.

"I hate to agree with Derek, but it's true," Sofia added earning a small glare from the man.

"I'm not sure that's actually going to be necessary. Because if he can do something like this," Argent started but Derek finished.

"He's stronger than ever."

Sofia decided to chime in again, "I know I'm still new to this department of the supernatural, but that doesn't sound good."

"He'll be coming for us."

Sofia and Derek let the elevator doors close, Argents last words lingering in the air. The two stayed silent as they walked to the car. Tension was still present in the air but neither wanted to address it.

"I could've pulled the trigger as well, y'know," Sofia filled the silence.

"But you wouldn't have," Derek briefly said.

Sofia let out a sarcastic snicker, "Bold of you to assume."

Derek paused his steps and looked at the girl, "I know you wouldn't have because it's not who you are."

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