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chapter twenty five( I

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chapter twenty five
( I.E.D. )

          Sofia was extremely conflicted. She was ecstatic that Argent was back in town. But she was also listed on a deadpool for ten million dollars. The list of supernaturals could be accessed by anyone. Including her family.

She tried not to think about it as she waited with Derek in the boys locker room. Apparently Scott had a new beta. Another reason for her family to locate her.

Derek had told Sofia he was going to the high school to "talk" with the new wolf. Sofia originally wasn't planning on going.

"You're not gonna ask if you can come with?" Derek had asked the girl after she had only nodded at his plans.

Sofia tilted her head and looked up at the man from her position on the couch, "Did you want me to?"

"No, I mean, you just usually always jump at the opportunity to impose on my plans," Derek had felt like this was somehow a trap.

Sofia dramatically sighed before standing, "If you want me to come that bad I will."

"I was just pointing out that it was weird," Derek said as Sofia began to tie her shoes. "You don't have to come."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go," Sofia was out the door before she could notice the smallest of smiles on Derek's face.

And here they were. Derek stood behind a set of lockers, lacrosse stick in hand. Sofia sat on one of the benches in the back aisle opening. Suddenly a dark blonde teen came into Sofia's view.

She was currently leaning back on both of her hands, sitting with her legs on either side of the bench. She lifted one hand up in a menacing wave. The type where her fingers curled down rather than waving side to side.

Before the teen could say anything, Derek walked out into the aisle. He stepped in front of Sofia and pretended to examine the lacrosse stick, "Is this yours?"

Liam only looked the man up and down. In response, Derek snapped the long stick in half. Sofia slightly flinched at the sudden movement. Liam's eyes quickly shaded to yellow and he attempted to attack Derek.

Derek quickly grabbed the Beta by his throat and held him against the lockers as he continued wiggling around. Sofia had quietly cursed to herself at the unexpected action.

"Liam," Scott moved into view, calming the boy.

"You're right. He is angry," Derek dropped the boy from his grip.

Sofia couldn't stop a small scoff from coming out. "Rich coming from you," she whispered, pointlessly however since everyone else in the room was a wolf.

Derek's head snapped to the girl with a blank stare. Sofia raised her hand in fake surrender and sarcastically mouthed, "Sorry."

Scott slowly pulled a lacrosse stick out from behind his back, "This one's yours."

He tossed it to Liam who caught it before quickly glaring at Derek. The bell rang only a moment later.

"Get to class Liam," Liam reluctantly looked between Scott and Derek. He finally moved past Scott to leave.

Sofia stood from the wooden bench and stood next to Derek. His lips suddenly opened in a wide smile. Sofia face scrunched up at the sight, "That's weird, stop it."

Scott looked back at Derek after hearing her words, "What are you smiling about?"

"You're gonna be good at this," Derek nodded to the younger boy, smile still present.

"Are you kidding? I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think right now I could use a full on training manual," Scott ranted.

"If it makes you feel better, he's almost never prepared either," Sofia pointed in Derek's direction, trying to calm the teen.

Derek shook his head. "I'll tell you two things. First, never listen to her," Derek pointed back at Sofia who opened her mouth in a scoff.

"Second, that anger he's got. It'll make him strong," Derek continued.

"And dangerous," Scott sighed.

"Very," Derek nodded.

"Lovely," Sofia rolled her eyes. The last thing she could handle right now was another werewolf out of control.

Scott sighed and sat down on one of the benches, "This was supposed to be the semester I could focus on school again. But Kate's back. And I've got a Beta. And there's a dead pool."

Derek sat down next to the boy, "If all our names are on that list, then that's what we should be focused on. Do you think Lydia can get that second key?"

"She's working on it."

A thick silence filled the air. Sofia absentmindedly looked around the room, "Alright, well as fun as this has been, we should probably go before someone sees us. Derek?"

The man in question nodded at Scott before standing and following the Calavera out. Scott smiled to himself at their dynamic. Derek didn't have to tell him anything for Scott to know there was something between the two.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

"Alright, let's cut the shit," Sofia said as soon as the two entered the Hale loft. She had finally reached her breaking point with the awkward silences.

Derek, who had just closed the door behind him, turned to the girl, very confused. Sofia leaned against the wooden table in the center of the room as she spoke, "We had sex Derek, more than once. Let's stop acting like children just because Kate kidnapped you and now neither of us knows what to do."

Derek raised his eyebrows, "We're gonna do this now?"

Sofia nodded, "We both just need to stop thinking about it. It won't happen again, so we need to move on and stop letting it affect us."

"You sure?" Derek stepped closer but was still a foot or so away.

Sofia's shoulders slightly slouched and she tried to regain herself, "What?"

Another step.

"Are you sure it won't happen again?"

Sofia cleared her throat and tried not to think about his presence which was a mere couple inches away, "Yes, I am."

Derek stood toe to toe with the girl now. He slowly looked down before moving his eyes back up to meet hers.

"Mkay," is all he said before sliding right past her and moving up the small staircase in the corner of the loft.

Once he was out of sight, Sofia dropped her head and groaned. She rolled her shoulders to regain her composure and headed out to meet with Braeden.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

haleshoe is typing...

derek and sofia are entering their married
couple era :)

if the second portion of the chapter feels rushed it's bc it was
i apologize lmao

thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed <3

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