The Jounral (part 1)

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Eric 'Swagger' Harris, a taller guy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes walked down the sidewalk with a teen beside him. This Kid went by Reekid and wasn't much shorter then Swagger. Reekid had dyed blonde hair with grown out brown roots. "Where the fuck are we going?" He asked, "We've been walking for hours!"

"Hell if I know at this point. Fuck it! I'm calling Eddie" Swagger began to look for his phone "how the FUCK did I get pick pocketed! They took my fucking wallet and phone."

"Calm down, we're in public and beside just use mine" Reekid glanced over at the people staring at them. He grabbed his phone from his hoodie pocket and unlocked it then called Eddie, handing it to him

'Hello?' Swagger heard from the phone

"Hey, where the actual hell is your place?!  ReeKid and I have been walking for hours!" Swagger complained


"Yeah who the fuck did you think it was?!" He snapped

"Dude, I just woke up" Eddie said then yawning 

"It's 12:30 in the fucking afternoon what do you mean you just woke up?" Swagger asked then heard a muffled voice in the background asking who it was, then a shut up from Eddie. "Eddie, just where are you! I'm getting impatient!"

"Just, I'll text it to you" Eddie sighed then hung up.

"Soo, What was that about~" ReeKid asked

"Eddie is being a bitch and texting us the address." Swagger continued to complain

"Gross."  Reekid took his phone back and looked at it. "I'm guessing if we keep going straight then turn right it should be on our left"

"Jesus Christ your like a fucking GPS"

"Bold of you too assume I'm not" Reekid took off running

"Wait for me you prick!" Swagger took off after him

      Usually hearing something crash in the kitchen didn't scare Eddie, until he realized, Narrator was beside him.

"What was that?" Narrator asked quietly

"I don't know... but it sure as hell sounded like someone dropped a pan."Eddie answered "go to my room and go out the window. Once you're on the roof it shouldn't be that hard to get down from."

"And what are you going to do?" Narrator whispered harshly

"See who thinks they can mess with me" he growled and Narrator grabbed his arm

"No, you'll get hurt"

"I'll grab my baseball bat" Eddie said and Grant  gave him a look "Fine! I'll take my pistol!" Eddie made sure to stay quiet. They both froze as we heard footsteps. Eddie quickly shoved Grant away and without thinking twice immediately went to see who it was. Suddenly everything seemed to stop. It was quiet, nothing made a sound then all of sudden something hit Eddie on the head and He feel to the ground. Ringing was the only thing He could hear. I could practically feel the blood dripping from my head. Eddie tried to get back up but was pushed back down. Once again getting hit in the head, Eddie passed out. 

Reekid skidded to a stop and caught his breath. Swagger ran up to Reekid panting heavily

"" He panted and the teen just laughed

"You're out of shape" he stuck his tongue out at Swagger

"You're just fast" Swagger rested his arm on Reekid's head making Reekid step aside. "Is that Narrator?" He asked making Reekid look to see what he was talking about. A guy with a 5 o'clock shadow was and pushed back short brown hair was sitting on the curb tapping his foot

"I think it is. NARRATOR!" Reekid shouted and Grant turned to look at them.  The guy stood up with a smile and Reekid took off in a run and hugged the taller male. Swagger groaned and took off jogging. "What's wrong?" Reekid asked

"Eddie and I think someone broke into his his house. He went to investigate. I haven't seen him since and I'm getting worried. The door is locked so it's not like I can go check on him." Narrator explained.

"I could probably pick the lock" Reekid suggested  said

"Or just break open the door. I do open carry" Swagger informed the two

"Eddie does too, but I left it my at my house"

"Americans are so weird" Reekid glared at the two.

"You're technically an American now." Swagger reminded him

"I will be An Australian at heart" Reekid said making Swagger roll his eyes.

"stay here with Grant and try to call Josh or Juicy" and with that he walked into the apartment complex. Reekid started to call Josh.

'Hello?' Josh asked

"Josh, can you come to Eddie's?" Reekid asked

'Is everything okay Reekid?'

"Yeah, maybe? I don't know if it's hard to explain but bring Mully with you." Reekid said then hung up, immediately trying to call Juicy. The phone rang four times before going to voicemail.  "that's odd. Juicy always answers his phone..." he trailed off. Grant gave Reekid a concern look "I'm sure he's sleeping" Grant nodded his head but Reekid could tell by the look on his face, Grant didn't believe him. Soon Josh and Mully were walking over.

"Hey, what's up" Josh asked and Reekid quickly explained the situation. Mully and Josh both gain of look of terror "He wasn't lying..."

"I can't believe it..." Mully covered his mouth "Call the police. Now." Mully said as He and Josh took of running into the building. Reekid had made to call the Police while waiting for Mully and Josh

"Who wasn't lying?" Reekid asked as a tear slipped down Grant's face.

"My god. It's true..." He muttered with a look of terror. The flashes of blue and Red started coming closer as three bangs rang out followed by a pause. Grant then let out a choked loud sob as the police approach them. Reekid felt his heart sink as he ran to get inside the house but was stopped by a officer holding him back. Tears began to run down his face as he felt useless, he heard Grant yell something but everything was just ringing in his ears. Swagger stumbled out of the house with his hand over his stomach as he fell to the ground, a small puddle of blood forming.


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