The Journal (part 5)

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Ted and Reekid walked down the street as snow slowly to fall from the sky

"Is there any way to stop it?" Reekid asked and Ted shook his head no

"I'm sorry but you can't stop it" Ted put his hands in his pockets with a sigh "but it also means something going to happen and I don't think it's going to be good"

"What else can I do?" Reekid continued with the question

"You can walk in other people dreams, you can see the future and past, and I think that's it" Ted told him, Reekid held his hand out as he caught a couple of snowflakes

"So why am I only seeing the past?" Reekid asked

"It could be you just remembering things or there's a bigger picture to it. Is there something that stands out to you that seems out of place?" Ted asked as Reekid thought for a second

"A journal" Reekid explained "I had a vision of the future with a journal that I haven't seen before but it looks really familiar"

"Bingo," Ted shivered. "I'll look at my place for any journals that aren't mine and you keep trying to dig through your memories," Ted said and Reekid nodded his head.

"The journal was Ryuu's. Was he a good man?" Reekid asked

"Ryuu was awesome. He was the life of the party and an amazing sense of humor! He was great with coming up with puns and one-liners," Ted smiled as he recalled Reekid's late brother "you and him had an unbreakable bond that I was honestly quite jealous of and made me smile everytime you guys would work together to solve an adventure!" He smiled slowly faded "until Carson came into the picture"

"Carson? Who's Carson?" Reekid questioned him

"I think I'd best for Swagger to explain to you" Ted told him with a smile. Reekid shrugged and decided to take his Advice. "Damn. Looks like Eddie beat us. I really thought that short cut would've worked" Ted sighed and shook his head "I'll see you later kid!" Ted patted his head and walked the other way. Reekid looked back at Eddie who waved at him before going inside. Reekid started to walk towards the house and then remembered something

"TED! TELL SCHLATT I SAID IT WAS GOOD TO SEE HIM!" Reekid shouted, making Ted stop and look back at him. Ted gave a thumbs up with a smile and Reekid waved. It made Reekid happy to see them again, even if he didn't fully remember them.

"Who is Carson?" Reekid asked, making Swagger and Grant freeze in their spots.

"Carson?" Swagger repeated the name and sighed "An old friend of mine. I don't associate myself with him"

"I don't have any memories of him, but I know you two still were friends when Ryuu and I stayed with Ted and Schlatt." Reekid said

"You actually remembered them." Swagger stated as if he was shocked

"Yeah, I'm started recovering a lot of memories" Reekid finally told him

"Shit. I thought Ted would've been right. I guess it didn't tone down as you got older" Swagger sighed "I would be glad to answer any other questions till you're content with your life but I don't want you to remember Carson. Not until your older" Swagger told him in a stern voice

"I agree with swagger for once" Grant said and Reekid tilted his head. Was it that bad?

"Well about Racc and Charlie?" Reekid asked

"I still talk to Charlie often, he still has a sense of humor" Swagger smiled

"What about Racc?" Reekid pushed the question again

"We aren't quite sure what happened to Racc. We hope that he's fine and is in the..." Swagger stopped "I'm sure he's fine! I just haven't spoken to him in years" Swagger reassured him as a stingy pain formed in Reekid's gut. Was Racc in danger? Was Racc still alive? Reekid slowly nodded his head but the thought of Racc in danger hurt Reekid deeply. Why did he care so much for a guy he doesn't even fully remember? Reekid figured he'd just ask Ted later. After all, if anyone knew it would be Ted or Schlatt!

Reekid played with the end of his sleeves as he and Ryuu walked into a room with a bunch of Christmas decorations and a tree. Reekid saw Ted and Schlatt wave to them. "See it's not that big of a party!" Ryuu tried reassuring his brother but Reekid didn't seem to listen.

"I haven't seen you around! You must be Ryuu!" A skinny brunette shook Ryuu's hand with a wide smile "I'm Charlie!"

"I figured, Schlatt said you were this enthusiastic," Ryuu chuckled.

"Ryuu?" Someone said and Reekid looked at him. A smile made his way across his face.

"Racc!" Reekid exclaimed and ran at him. Racc hugged the kid then looked at Ryuu

"How are you doing?" He asked

"Raccoon, You know them?" Charlie asked

"Yeah! Ryuu and I were neighbors for a long time" Racc informed him. Reekid looked around the room again and saw a guy with blonde hair looking at him. Suddenly uncomfortable, Reekid walked back over to Ryuu and grabbed his hand. Ryuu didn't seem to notice as he continued chatting. The blonde made his way over to them and introduced himself to Ryuu as 'Carson'. Reekid didn't look at him as Ryuu and him talked.

"And who's that?" Carson asked, making Reekid panic inside.

"This is my brother, Reekid" Ryuu gave Reekid a look and he sighed

"Hi." Reekid said unenthusiastic and monotoned

"You'll have to excuse him, he doesn't like meeting new people" Ryuu apologized for his brother

"It's fine, I'm sure he's a lovely boy" Carson said and it caught Reekid off guard. Lovely boy? He couldn't have said something about his personality? Reekid internaling sighed, the urge to leave was growing strong every second.

It didn't take long for dinner to be made and everyone went to the kitchen, well everyone but Reekid.

"Not eating?" Carson asked, walked out of the kitchen

"I'm not hungry" Reekid muttered as he sat on the couch. Carson sat beside him

"Typically the food sucks anyways, Swagger can't cook for shit" Carson told him and Reekid just nodded his head. Reekid's social meter was at 0% and the last thing he wanted to do was talk to this guy. "I'm surprised something so pretty could be related to Ted,'' Carson said as he put his hand on Reekid's leg, pushing Reekid over the line.

"Get away from me!" Reekid got up from the couch and glared at him. It didn't seem to faze him; instead Carson stared at him with blank eyes. Reekid speed walked to the kitchen and approached Ryuu "can we go. Please." Reekid rushed

"Sure. Is everything okay?" Ryuu asked

"Please. I just want to go" Reekid begged and Ryuu nodded his head

"Yeah, we can go" Ryuu smiled and quickly said goodbye to everyone.

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