Fasle Findings: Part 1

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All this time and you'd think I would learn to leave this place behind. But I guess I need to come back to this town for some unknown, sick reason. I walk the sidewalks, the cracks only getting worse in the cement. I stop at the old stoplight, where the traffic light once was. Off in the distance, I see that they tore the building down. I try to convince myself to keep moving but I feel myself freezing.

"Reeked?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts. It was Eddie. I suppose I should probably start from the beginning, shouldn't I?

    "If it wasn't for you," Gauge reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him into the air slightly. "This wouldn't have happened and Ryuu would be able to live normally! He could still be in town and not miles from here!"

    "He's alive?!"

That's what you last read right? The cliffhanger from the last part. Ah big reveal my brother is alive! Crazy, right? Well, this is what happened after.

Reekid stared in awe and shock. Gauge raised an eyebrow as he sat Reekid back on the ground.

    "Yeah? Did you not know?" The older of the two asked and Reekid shook his head aggressively. Gauge's hand untwisted it from the kid's shirt as he stepped back from him. "That's not right! You had to know! But she told me! They said it was your fault!" Gauge exclaimed and Reekid raised an eyebrow at him.

    "Who told you what? What did they tell you?" Reekid questioned as Gauge stood there thinking, his brown eyebrows knitted together. The blonde took a step towards him and Gauge snapped out of it briefly to grab the kid's shirt again.

    "You're lying to me. She told me you would." Gauge snapped and Reekid rolled his eyes with an esprated sigh.

    "Dude! I don't even know who you're talking about! I'm just trying to understand what's happening." Just as Gauge was going to say something, Reekid noticed a noise, a door closing, and the young blonde turned his head to see. Mully grabbed Reekid first with a death grip on him. Swagger was the next person to appear, tackling Gauge from the side and tackling him, while Mully pulled Reekid back. The fabric of his shirt ripping what Reekid heard third. He watched with wide eyes, in slow motion, as Gauge and Swagger tumbled over the side.

They both survived, somehow. Swagger got a bad head injury and still isn't the same from it, he lost a lot of memories. The boys are still trying to get all of them back. Last I heard, Gauge was in a coma. He's been in one for four years. After that, I left. Court happened, CYS got involved, and I was put into foster care. Swagger was deemed unfit to raise me from the beginning. I moved a lot after that. I tried to convince myself to stay away from here, but that didn't work instead everything left unanswered just kept festering and festering. So an hour ago I texted Eddie to meet me at the airport. I originally had reached out to Ted and Schlatt but they had left shortly after I had. Ted couldn't bear to live there anymore and Schlatt was more than willing to leave. I asked if they'd come to meet me here, but so far I haven't gotten a text back.

"Reeked?" Eddie asked again and I looked at him this time.

"I'm alright." I answered his unasked question, "Just surprised they tore down the building." I looked back to where it used to stand with a frown. It should have been wrecked a long time ago but eh, at least they did it.

"They took it down the same year you left, I guess they finally realized how dangerous it was," Eddie explained with a heavy sigh. "You know Josh and Mully are happy you're back," Eddie started and I just looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Josh especially. He was really worried about you, he didn't know if you were ever coming back."

I laughed softly, "God there's so much left unanswered, how can I not?" I questioned and Eddie just shrugged. A silence fell between the two of us. I could tell Eddie was lost in his own head, thinking. "If you keep doing that, you're going to kill what's left of your brain cells," I nudged him and he just sighed.

"There's been a bit of tension since you left." I could tell just by the way Eddie looked down, it was a lot more than just a bit. "Mully and Josh had a falling out - A bad falling out over the whole Gauge thing and Narrator's been up in arms since Gabriella came back." Eddie tried his best to explain. "I've been trying to keep everything civil but it's getting to the point of no return."

I gave Eddie a pity pay on his shoulder and a soft smile, "I'll see if I can help at all." I felt bad for him, I really did. Eddie does do well under pressure and this sure would cause him to flip out and make everything worse than it was. If I didn't need those answers as badly as I do, I think I would have left right there and then. There are many of red flags with the first hours is being back in this fucking town, and that should have been a warning, my sign from god, but I've always been curious for my good. I just wish once I get what I need, I can fix it all. Make things back to normal and leave for once and for all. Maybe Swagger could come with me. Maybe Schlatt be Ted could come back. Maybe I can have peace of fucking mind. That'd be a miracle. Maybe I can find out what happened to Gauge too, but I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

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