The Journal (Part 7)

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"I swear to god I'm not lying!" Reekid exclaimed as Grant continued to make dinner

"Kid, you did not talk to Racc." Grant said "I know you didn't"

"Yes I did! I know I was talking to him because the house was burnt down!" Reekid told him and Grant froze. He sighed and finally turned around to look at the Teen.

"It's impossible for you to talk to him." Grant's voice softened. Reekid breath hitched in his throat as he realized Grant's beautiful blue eyes were now a Honey Yellow. "It must've been a dream." He went back to making dinner.

"I need to go on a walk..." Reekid said and left the kitchen.

"Be safe! Be back before sundown!" Grant shouted as Reekid left the house.

"Sundown? Grant never says Sundown..." Reekid continued walking down the street, putting his hood up as snow began to fall. He rolled his eyes at the snow starting to pile up on the ground.

Charlie laughed at Raccoon's horrible dad joke. If there was something that always got Charlie to laugh is Racc's dad jokes. After the two calmed down, a silence fell between them. They both knew what they were thinking, but neither wanted to say it aloud.

"Racc..." Charlie started but stopped when Racc raised his hand

"Don't... You both know we have to leave." Raccoon lowered his hand

"But Ted and Schlatt can stay?" Charlie question came out snappier than expected, shocking Racc

"You've always talked about leaving. What's changed?" Racc asked

"I made friends! I can finally wake up in the morning and I'm happy that I'm here, I'm happy about everything!" Charlie looked away from him as he crossed his arms

"Charlie..." Raccoon reached out but the taller male backed away. "Please, I don't want to do this but we need to." Raccoon let his hand drop back down to his side as Charlie scoffed. Racc didn't need to see the look on Charlie's face to tell he was crying. "I'll miss the town, I'll miss the memories we made in this valley but we're not safe here. Not with Ted and the kid. Schlatt's been exposed to it long enough that it's just who he is now. But you've seen how Swagger's changed."

"He's changed because he's not as cold as he used to be!" Charlie finally looked at him. The white of his eyes were now a pale red as tears ran down his cheeks. "He's finally happy now that he has Ryuu and Reekid!" Charlie glared at him "I don't know what your problem with Ryuu is but you're hurting people Racc!"

"He's the problem!" Racc shouted, making Charlie flinch. "He's putting us in danger! Him and the weird ass curse he put the town under!" Raccoon finally stopped yelling and Charlie tilted his head to the side. "It's too late for me...for Swagger... or Schlatt."

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked him

"The curse has already affected us." Racc pointed to his eyes and it hit Charlie that his eye color was no longer a pretty shade of mint green but instead a honey yellow. "I don't want you to get hurt either." Raccoon said and Charlie sighed. He nodded his head slowly.

Ted watched Schlatt pace the room. "Pacing won't help." Ted said aloud, making Schlatt stop and glare at him.

"Why did he do it?" Schlatt asked as he went back to pacing the room.

"Schlatt if you don't stop and sit down, I'll make you." Ted told him and Schlatt ignored him, still muttering. Ted stood up with a sigh and grabbed Schlatt's shoulders. The shorter one stopped and looked at him. "Sit down on the couch." Ted said and Schlatt rolled his eyes but walked over the couch and sat down. "He did it because he was worried."

"A curse! Ted this could be the reason why you have your ability. If we're able to reverse it we can go back to normal." Schlatt explained and Ted sighed

"Do you really think it would be normal again?" Ted asked in a soft tone.

"Yes. I really do." Schlatt smiled, "I think you won't see the future anymore."

"But won't that scare you?" Ted asked, sitting down next to him. "You have the advantage to see the future and you want to get rid of it?"

"I know it hurts you when you see the future. I can tell by the look on your face." Schlatt told him "and I know you hate being able to tell the future. And it takes the fun out of living." Ted stared at his hands "Think about it. A chance to live normally and we might be able to convince Racc to come back home."


"No. We can fix this and that kid can live a normal life." Schlatt stood up. He checked the time "I have to go but I shouldn't be gone for too long." Schlatt left the room and not much longer the sound of the door opening and closing signaled that Schlatt left. Ted smiled at the thought of having a normal life. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A burning sensation started in his hand that spread up his arm. After a few moments he opened his eyes to realize he was sitting on a cot. He glanced around and noticed he was in a jail cell. There sitting against the wall as a man with brownish hair staring at a piece of paper with a wide smile. He lowered the paper to the ground and laughed. He said something about finally getting out but couldn't hear him over the sound of the alarm. Ted stood up and explored the jail cell. It didn't take long for him to find many flaws that could be exploited. The burning sensation started again in his hand and arm, catching Ted off guard. Next thing he knew he was next to a lamp post, chained to it.

"No..." the familiar voice made Ted look around to see Schlatt on the ground struggling to stand up. He was reaching out to something or somebody but the other thing Ted could focus on was the deep cut on his head and how he was unable to catch his breath before he collapsed on the ground. Ted lounged towards him but couldn't get to him despite being so close to him. As the burning sensation returned, panic rose in his chest. He had to get Schlatt before he left. As he lunged forward he was suddenly back in his house. He fell forward onto his glass coffee table. He laid there staring at the ceiling for a minute, taking his time to make sure he was back home.

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