The Journal (part 8)

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Juicy stood there, smiling wide. "I'm free!" He shouted. The wind ruffled his hair as he laughed "I'm finally free!" He stared up at the sky as clouds began to form in the sky. "Time to finish what he wanted," Juicy muttered as he dropped his head. He walked away as the alarm blared in the background, signaling that they knew he was missing. On Gauge's walk, he suddenly stopped and started laughing again. He paused and whipped around, his green eyes seemed to glow in the night.

         Reekid sat up, screaming, and shaking in a cold sweat. Swagger was quick to his side. "You're awake!" Swagger stared at him "What's wrong?"

"Gauge escaped the prison." Reekid muttered as he gripped the blanket "I saw him. I think he's headed for us"

"The police are out looking for him right now. He couldn't have gone far." Swagger reassured him

"No..." Reekid paused, remembering how gauge acted in the dream "What color are Gauge's eyes?"

"What?" Swagger was caught off guard

"What. color. is. his. eyes?" Reekid repeated slower.

"Blue." Josh answered "He has electric blue eyes, like mine"

"Not anymore..." Reekid announced, "They're bright green." Josh paused as he thought "Swagger, is it the curse?"

"What curse?" Swagger asked

"Don't play dumb." Reekid snapped "The curse the town was put under. Could Juicy's sudden behavior be because I came here? Ted and I have properties no human should have. When we both were here, weird things happened and then I left. The town went back to ordinary and no one had drastic behavioral shifts." Reekid clarified. Swagger paused and sighed

"Wait he's right?" Josh exclaimed

"Unfortunately..." Swagger looked down as Reekid eyes went wide

"I need to find that Journal!" Reekid got up but stumbled back and fell "what..."

"You passed out on the sidewalk. Luckily we found you" Swagger explained. "I wouldn't be surprised if you are still weak..."

"Are we just ignoring the fact that the town is put under a curse?!" Mully asked, walking out the kitchen

"It's a long story man"

"Then you better give us the shortest version." Josh crossed his arms. Swagger stood up and hesitated. "Well?"

"Reekid has always been to see into the future and past. He's able to dream-walk and a bunch of other things." Swagger rushed "Since Reekid has magical properties it would make sense to have another family member who also has magical properties right?" Swagger asked and Josh nodded his head yes. "That's where his brother, Ryuu, comes in. Ryuu can't do all that fancy stuff Reekid can but he can essentially cast spells." Swagger looked back at Reekid and gained a sad look. "Ryuu was the one who put the town under this curse. Ryuu knew one day something bad would happen so he tried his best to protect this town. The only problem is, the protection spell was messed up. Something about it being encrypted. Anyways Ryuu panicked and wiped everyone in town's memories. After realizing that he was in danger, he picked Ted to be able to see the future and past to keep this town safe. This was before Reekid showed any sign of being magical. And whenever Ryuu was hit by that drunk driver the curse has been growing stronger and worse by the day. Which is why Gauge is going crazy, my eye color is changing, and why Grant has been acting differently." Josh stared at him, confusion written on his face.

"Swagger, are you doing drugs?" Mully asked and Swagger took a deep breath

"And this is why I didn't tell you guys" Swagger muttered

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