Part 9

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   Swagger walked into the house. The door was left wide open, confusing him and blood stained the carpet made him panic. "Ted! Schlatt!" he took off trying to find the two in the house. Josh was quick to help him but Reekid's attention was drawn to the notebook on the table. He approached it and looked at the page. His throat tightened as he immediately closed the book. He picked it up and went to help look for Ted and Schlatt. His head was reeling, that was his handwriting but he doesn't remember writing that. But to be fair he doesn't remember much.

"They're not here!" Swagger paced the room "Josh, call 911!" Swagger ordered, "What could've happened?" Reekid thought for a moment before quick movement outside of the window caught his attention. He walked over and looked around, seeing nothing. He looked back at Swagger when a loud ringing in his ears started. He instinctively covered his ears and winced in pain, the book tumbling to the ground. "Ryuu? Kid? What's wrong?" Swagger rushed over to him and grabbed him to keep him from falling. He felt lightheaded and sick. The next thing he knew he was on the ground with Swagger panicking above him. Even though the ringing was still there he understood what he was saying and Reekid smiled before passing out. 

"Come on. Get up already dick." Someone snapped as Reekid began to come too. As objects around began to sharpen out but the person in front of him was still rather blurry. "Are you happy? You got involved, now Ted and Schlatt are in danger AND you're putting everyone in trouble too!" It took Reekid a moment to finally be able to see the person in front of him. A man who wasn't too much taller than him. He had thinner brown hair with dark pretty mint green eyes. Reekid figured this was Charlie based on the dream he had. "If you want to learn about your past? Perfectly okay! You want to fix Ryuu's mistakes? Fine! But don't get everyone else caught up in his mess!" He flicked Reekid's forehead

"Did you decrypt it wrong?" The younger one asked and Charlie paused

"W...w-what?" Charlie stuttered

"At first I thought it was my handwriting but I don't write my 'T's like those. And there's only one other person who writes in cursive is you." Reekid explained as he slightly tilted his head to the side "So did you or did you not decipher it wrong?" Charlie didn't answer "so because you feel guilty about fucking up everyone's lives you decided it was okay it blame MY DEAD BROTHER for ruining everything?" Reekid accused him

"I would NEVER ENDANGER THEM!!" Charlie snapped and Reekid stared at him, anger flared in his chest

"Is that why you came back?" Reekid asked, "because you're being affected?" Reekid began to raise his voice. Charlie just stared at him, not answering once again. "You selfish BITCH!" Reekid lounged at Charlie but as soon as he grabbed him the other person faded away. Reekid was suddenly back in Ted and Schlatt's house. Reekid looked around to see Swagger and Josh looking concerned. "We have to go find them," Reekid said, still trying to understand Charlie's reasoning

"You know where Ted and Schlatt are?" Swagger exclaimed

"No. But Charlie is in town. We find Charlie, we find Juicy. We find Gauge, we find them." Reekid explained as he walked outside of the house. It seemed as if the entire world knew about what was happening in their tiny town. Dark clouds rolled over the surrounding mountains and a drizzle began.

"Josh, stay here." Swagger began

"No, Josh, you come with me." Reekid stopped him "If anyone knows this house, it's you, Swagger. You can inform the police when they get here and you can continue to look for clues to help us"

"But I promised Ryuu-"

"Schlatt and Ted are in danger! Eric, this is the only way to help." Reekid snapped at him, "Ryuu will understand" Reekid turned to start his hunt when Swagger yelled something

"Oliver!" Reekid froze and slowly looked back at Swagger who looked terrified "Please, Please don't die."

"I won't Eric" Reekid took off at a fast pace with Josh beside him.

"Your name is Oliver?" Josh asked

"Call me that and I'll gut you." Reekid told him and Josh just nodded "I prefer Reekid" Reekid continued as he suddenly skidded to a stop. He looked around and said, "You know this town. A concrete building, kinda old looking with open gaps as windows"

"In the open gap could you see the sun setting?" Josh asked. Reekid nodded his head. "That one. I'm guessing You were on the top floor or the roof if you could see the sunset" Josh told him. Reekid looked at the building beside it. Almost identical but the one in his vision looked older.

"Take the building beside it. Juicy is smart enough to not put them together." Reekid told him and took off. Josh took a moment before running towards the second building. As Reekid entered, he tried to picture the room he was in. He began to go up the stairs, he realized the drizzle outside had turned into hail and he could hear rumbling outside. He stopped to stare out of the window, he sighed as thunder rumbled followed by a vein of lightning across the sky. Reekid continued up the stairs, checking in rooms until he made it to the roof. He stood out on the roof looking around, but the rain made it hard to see.

"Took you long enough." Someone said and it startled the teen. He spun around to see Gauge standing in front of the door. "Cat got your tongue?"

"There's not much I can say in a situation like this" Reekid told him "But maybe a question would work." Gauge paused and looked confused

"Oh, so the great prophet doesn't know everything then huh?" Gauge smirked and Reekid raised an eyebrow

"What?" Reekid asked and Gauge scoffed

"Don't play dumb with me! We both know about Journal! About the curse!" Gauge snapped, making Reekid's confusion only grow

"How do you know about the curse?" Reekid questioned as Gauge started to walk towards him. Reekid began to back up "Gauge? How do you know about the curse?" Reekid asked again and Gauge ignored him once again. As the older one took another, Reekid took a step back in sync. Another step from Gauge, another step back from Reekid. They continued in this rhythm until Reekid felt his foot on the ledge. "Gauge," he looked behind him to see how far the ground was. His throat tightened, "Gauge, please just answer me!" His eyes flickered between Gauge and the ground. 

"If it wasn't for you." Gauge reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him in the air slightly. "This wouldn't happen and Ryuu would be able to live normally! He could still be in town and not miles away from here!"

"He's alive?!"

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