𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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~Y/N's P.O.V~

After archery practice with Emilia, which was cut short due to more classes. I was walking with Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos. With books in my hand I fix my dress and try to quietly mutter to myself to not lose control.

The girls are swooning over Jay because of Cotillion. The many hi's getting Carlos's attention. "Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already." We all keep walking and Jay responds with, "I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them."

I see Mal working on her art and drawing project. Gosh how is she so talented. "Ahh, you're the expert. Um, Jay."

We stop walking and listen to their conversation. "If you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" Jay puts a hand on Carlos's shoulder and says, "Listen, all you gotta do, is look like me." He laughs at Jay's comment and see that Jane is approaching me.

"Y/N." "Hey, Jane." "Hey." Carlos and Jane's interaction is so pure and innocent, something that feels out of reach for me. Carlos, stuttering on his words, "I was wondering... Uh... If you liked the carrot cake last night?"

She smiles at him, saying, "I had the pumpkin pie." I zone out the conversations with my own thoughts scrambling in my head. I want to go back, to the Isle. I wish I didn't have to put on a princess persona.

Those thoughts are interrupted by Lonnie and Avalon walking up to Jane and Evie. "I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it?" "Me! Sorry." Lonnie interrupts, but Evie has been doing good with Cotillion dresses.

"Perfect. Avi, Jane, I'll take you later. Okay." Jane and Avalon nod their heads as Lonnie and Avalon follow Evie and Mal as they walk off. "Y/N."

"Yes, Jane?" "I hate to keep bugging you but the Decorating Committee needs more answers. So as much as I hate to, um... You know, um..."

I fake smile and finish her sentence with, "Bother me?" "Right." I look off at Mal and Aris having their cute moment, making the thoughts in my head spin more and more. "Jane, I would really like to tell you, but class starts soon I don't want to be late."

She stops me as I try to walk off and says, "You know, just nod if you like it." "Okay." I slightly clench my fists to calm myself. Using her tablet, she starts to swipe for each picture. "Chair swags, entry banner, twinkle lights, table bunting, and you still haven't picked the party favors yet."

I nodded to each decoration and I say, "Jane, I think for the party favors whatever-" "-I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers. I kind of love pen toppers but, I mean, we can do all three."

I feel my eyes glow their bright blue, meaning the stress finally got to me. After my, moment, I reply to Jane with, "I think pen toppers." "Yeah?" I nod my head and hold my books more tightly. "You won't regret it."

I see Avalon, Evie, Mal and Lonnie all walk up to us. "I am so excited to see what your wedding will look like." I look at Avalon and nod my head, "Yeah, me too. Wait, what??" I look at the four in shock, clueless.

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged." "I knew it." Mal looks at Evie with a brow raised and says, "Everyone knows it?"

I fake laugh and try to keep calm again, "Was I the only person to not know it? If no one told me is my life just all planned out for me with no-"

"Hi, Y/N."

Evie, Avalon, Jane and Lonnie, acting like the cute teenagers they are say in unison, "Hi, Ben~" I sigh and give Evie a look. "Oh, oh, quick moment." Jane pulls aside Ben and I start to walk to class. Even the girl who has everything really can't have it all.

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