Part III : Going to Capyper Land

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Part III

Hiyori is actually excited for this day but she keeps on denying it. You know, while she fixes her self, she keeps on murmuring on how she just wanted to spend time with him and erasing the thought that everything that will happen is actually a date. Anyway, she can't seem to find an outfit that would suit her. No matter how much she shrugged it off, she can't stop thinking of what will her appearance be in front of Yato. She just wants to be presentable. Though she denies it, she wants to be pretty in his eyes.  She sighed as she puts on the last dress she has, a light pink dress with ribbon and plits.

" Ugh mooo~ Nande? (Ugh! Why?) Why can't I find a proper dress! " 
She asked her self with a defeated tone. It's just the start of the day and she's getting tired just because of finding a dress. Why is it so hard to find a suitable dress for me? She thought, looking annoyed as she stares at her mirror. Again, she sighed. She slowly went back to her closet but was interrupted upon hearing a low voice from behind.

" Niyaw yo. " (I think it suits you.)

Hiyori's eyes widen as she stares back at him who's struggling to gain balance in her window. He looks at her with a smile as she checks her out. Actually, her dress does suit her.

"Kyaaahhh! N-Nande!? Y-Yato ga koko niiru?" (Why the heck are you here! Yato?) She covered her face using her hands as she blushes as red as a tomato. Yato just caught her talking to her self all annoyed and tired. That was embarassing but that one compliment he gave her made her redder. Let's just say she is literelly an apple right in front of his eyes.

" Nande te? Anosa Hiyori,  (Why am I here, you say? You know Hiyori) I thought we are going out today? Ikkimashou! "  (Lets Go!) 
He jumped into her room. He stared at her, studying how she looks right now. Like he said, she really looks pretty in that dress. Just a simple Hiyori is fine. Yato won't deny it that everything just suits her.

Hiyori noticed that Yato's been staring at her for no one knows many minutes already and so coughed to take his attention, "Demo, mada junbi ga." (But, Im not ready yet.) She continued, looking at her doll shoes that fits perfectly in her feet. Her shoulders went down, she really doesn't want what she's wearing. She wants this date which is not really a date to be perfect. She wants to be perfect in front of his eyes. What's the matter with that?

"Heh? You look like ready to me. Look at yourself. You look nice with that. Why won't you believe me? So pretty woman, don't test my patience and let's go. "
Yato held her hands, pulled her into a hug and carried her like a princess as he quickly jumped out of the window. Because of surprised, she clang her arms to his neck and closed her eyes, feeling the air that kisses her cheeks.

He noticed how tight Hiyori's hand in his neck and smiled, "Aren't you use to this kind of thing?" Her cheeks went red the moment she felt how Yato's breathe kissed her ears. She breathed real hard in order to calm her self and looked at him in the eyes. 

" Baka. (Idiot) Who woudn't be scared after that? Ikinari yo! (It's so suddenly) "

He laughed at Hiyori's pouting face, "Gomen (Sorry) Hiyori! I'm just excited!"He exclaimed still jumping into some pole. Yeah, the perks of being a god.

Hiyori on the other hand smiled because of his excitment but for some reasons, couldn't calm her self. Why is that? She can feel Yato's warm hands in her legs and back and that might be the reason behind it. She wants him to let go but at the same time doesn't.

She just sighed and tap the back of his head slightly, "Sigh. Soredya! Ikuwa yo! " (Sigh. Is that so? Then Lets go. ) He received another smile from him as he run as fast as he could , making the woman he is carrying scream to death.

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