Under the Sea.

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"I am not quite sure."

Malfoy and Avery face-palmed for the nth time. It had been nearly an hour since Nott gained his consciousness. Both the boys had been asking him endless question to figure out what had happened to him. Even Tom sacrificed his visit to the library to get some answers but Nott was being anything but helpful.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, at least tell me you remember meeting the girl outside the school!" Malfoy snapped.

Nott grew silent for a minute, making Tom roll his eyes. The boy pursed his lips to remember anything from the night prior but all he could recall was waking up in the infirmary after a deep sleep.

Malfoy heaved a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment. He turned his head towards Tom, "Should we bring her to us?"

Tom didn't meet his eyes. Instead, he shook his head and straightened up. He wanted to leave as his classes would start soon, "We will discuss this later. For now, go and attend your classes."

As Tom was about to walk away, Avery stopped him, "Are you trying to protect the girl, Tom?"

Tom let out a dry laugh and slowly turned to face the boys who all had the same look of doubt on their faces. For a moment, he had the sudden urge to snap all of their necks and watch their dead body fall to the ground.

It was for the first time that they had dared to question him and he would certainly make sure that it would be the last.

"Avery, you do know that I absolutely hate repeating myself," Tom uttered through his teeth. Noticing the sudden drop in Tom's voice, Avery averted his gaze to the floor.

"We will discuss about this after the classes. Make sure you think twice before questioning me, boys. You might end up in a worse situation than Nott."

Tom waited for his threat to settle in their minds before leaving without another word. He couldn't help but scoff under his breath. Why would such a thought even occur to them? It was not like he needed to protect Leo. He never treated her any different from how he treats a stray cat.

How ridiculous of them to assume that he was in favour of her!

Tom shook his head from side to side while entering his potions lesson, which was with the Ravenclaws. His eyes unconsciously started looking around for a certain wild haired girl who he wanted to ignore since last night. By the time he realised his action, it was too late.

Their eyes had already met.

Leo, as usual, was sitting at the end of the class, all alone by the window. She waved her hand in a small greeting which made Tom look away immediately. He could almost hear the little smirk that was on her lips.

He quickly found his seat which was right in from of the teacher's desk. He quietly sat down and opened his book to scheme through the contents. For a few minutes, he was quite enjoying the new topics. But soon his moment of peace was interrupted by a slight disturbance at the back of the class.

He lifted his head to see the the processor was yet to arrive. Deciding to mind his own business, he buried his nose deeper into he book and continued reading.

The students at the back started shouting louder. He could even hear someone jumping on the desk. His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. All he wanted was a peaceful morning. Was it too much to ask for?

His prefect's batch gleamed under the sunlight as the heir of Slytherin decided to play his part as the school's prefect. But before he could get up and insult everyone until they cried, Leo jumped into the empty space next to him and dumped her notebooks on desk with a loud thud.

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